tom holland | a wish come true

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warnings: fluff?? fangirling....

a-n: this imagine was inspired by the fact that I just saw the new Aladdin movie recently (aka yesterday, 25th june), and it was so good.


i closed the lid of my laptop, before setting it aside. i had just finished rewatching spiderman: homecoming for like the 56th time, mainly because i was preparing for far from home. the very movie that my celebrity crush, tom holland is starring in.

the amount of times a day that i wished he would notice me. its not just me though, that wishes this. i'm pretty sure, like every single one of tom's fans do the same. we just can't help it. he's just so damn hot and dreamy. he's basically dream boyfriend material.

i then snapped out my thoughts, before setting my sock-clad feet atop of my cold floorboards. then making my way out the door and downstairs to fill my empty stomach with food. preferably a hawaiian pizza.

as i then stepped off the last step of my staircase to upstairs, and onto the ground. i reached my hand into my pocket to pull out my phone, but was disappointed to find that i couldn't feel the familiar metal of my phone screen.

i sighed, once i realised i had must have left it upstairs. turning on my heel suddenly, i then went to head back upstairs to retrieve my phone.

but stopped when one of my sock-clad feet jammed itself into some sort of object blocking my path. this caused for me to tumble all the way back down and onto the ground beneath the staircase with a thud.

i mumbled a couple of incoherent swear words under my breath, before i then looked up and shifted my gaze towards what object had caused me to trip.

my eyebrows furrowed in confusion once i spotted a weirdly shaped bottle, that resembled a genie's. the lamp was seated on about the fifth step, before it then itself somehow tumbled down the stairs and beside me.

hesitating at first, i then sat up and crossed my legs before reaching over my hand to wrap my fingers around the cool metal of the golden genie lamp. i examined it closely at first when i had it in my grasp.

before then mentally debating with myself whether i should rub it or not.

then after a couple of minutes i then made my decision. i had decided that i would rub it and see if it actually is what i think it is. and if it isn't i can just go on with my boring life, while forgetting about this stupid moment.

KID IN LOVE - 𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰Where stories live. Discover now