draco malfoy | pregnant

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warnings: none.

prompt: 3. "I-IM PREGNANT.....AND ITS YOUR'S"


I held the pregnancy test in my slightly sweaty palms, staring straight at the two red lines indicating that I was indeed pregnant. I could've sworn last night we had used protection when we did the baby-making ritual, but I guess we hadn't cause here I am. I, Y/N Malfoy, wife to Draco Malfoy am standing inside of mine and Draco's ensuite holding a positive pregnancy test in my hands.

How am I too tell Draco? And would he even want to keep the baby? I thought to myself, the nervous butterflies appearing inside of my stomach as I did so. Just as I finished thinking those thoughts, I heard the bedroom door slam shut signalling that Draco had arrived home from work. Well, I guess it's now or never. Calming my nerves, I then stepped outside of the ensuite and into the bedroom to where I spotted my husband and love of my life over towards the wardrobes about to change out of his work wear.

"D-Draco, can i talk to you?" I stuttered out. My hands beginning to get clammy from nerves. Also tucking a strand of my h/c hair behind my ear.

The young Malfoy heir soon spun around to where he was now facing me, eyes locking onto my own e/c orbs before he began to speak. "Yes. What do you need Y/N?"

"I-Im pregnant.......and it's yours." I managed to get out. Holding up the pregnancy test which was showing positive with my slightly less clammy hands then before.

"That's......amazing. we're going to be parents Y/N." Draco said after a minute of comprehending the new found information. Then rushing over to where I was standing and engulfing me in to a bone crushing hug, to which I quickly returned. Grateful that he ended up taking the news better than I expected. "I love you, you know that right."

I just nodded in response. When we pulled away from the hug, Draco manoevered his large hands to my waist and pulled me back in for a long and passionate kiss. To where I happily returned it, my arms wrapping themselves around his neck. Our tongues fighting for dominance inside of our mouths as we continued to kiss.

How did I get so lucky to have a great husband like him?



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