rafe cameron | should have listened

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o. You were warned about Rafe, yet you didn't listen, and now you're left with the consequences of involving yourself with him, heartbreak.

warnings: angst, hurt no comfort, rafe, mentions of cheating


You sat comfortably up against your closed door. Legs tugged into your chest, head resting behind you. You felt your eyes prickle with tears at the corners of your eyes as you stared out the window situated above your desk. 

A million thoughts ran through your mind, eyes briefly glancing at the discarded books you left thrown across your floorboards. You couldn't stop the tears any longer as they found themselves flowing down your cheeks. Violent sobs ripping through your throat as you sat there.

You should've listened to everyone when they told you not to entwine your life with Rafe’s. You shouldn't have engaged in a relationship with him. He was a bad idea, and you were incredibly blind to his red flags. He was—He was a - no, he is a criminal. But most of all, you knew he was just going to use you and that your relationship with each other was destined to crumble. 

But you were so gullible and blinded by his lies and false love that you didn't even think. You didn't even question if he had any ulterior motives at first because if you even did, you wouldn't be in this position right now. 

"I'm so stupid!" You muttered to yourself under your breath, hiding your teary eyes with the palms of your hands. "He's a walking red flag. Any sane person could see that." 

Pulling yourself to your feet, you shakily managed to walk towards your desk. A pretty silver chain sat atop the desk's surface as you approached. The very object in which Rafe had gifted you for your first anniversary together as a couple. You can still remember the exact words he'd told you as he'd given it.

'My heart will always beat for you, and only you.' 

Which was absolute bullshit if you were being honest. He'd even told you when you broke up a few days that everything he said was just that, false. He didn’t mean any of it, of course. He didn't. 

You should have figured it out sooner when you found him tangled between the sheets of his bed with some kook girl a few days ago. When he decided to throw away everything that he'd built with you for a few stupid minutes of pleasure. 

He never actually loved you, and you knew that now. You still wish you had heeded the warnings from your friends, the pogues - hell, everyone always told you. You were angry at yourself for falling for him, but mostly, you were angry at Rafe for taking advantage of you. You wanted him to pay for everything he'd done.

You grabbed the chain, carefully examining it closely, as you spun yourself to face the wall to the right of you. You took in a deep breath, and eventually, you threw the chain. It smacked into the beforehand, sliding to the ground with a thud. 

The impact was somehow enough to break it. It must not have been that expensive than you thought. You wiped the stray tears from your cheeks now, with the sleeve of your shirt. 

Had you known this was where you would be today, you would have never engaged with him that day at the boneyard. You would have not stumbled drunkily into Rafe. You wouldn't be heartbroken over someone who managed to stomp all over your heart. Disregarding your feelings and love for him and using them for his own gain. 

Maybe you were the fool, for really believing that somebody like Rafe could even learn to love somebody like you. Or maybe it was Rafe's fault for picking you out of everyone on that damned island as his next victim, his next conquest.

Either way, what is done is done. You can't take back the past, no matter how much you want to stop yourself from falling.

All you have and are left with now is a newfound hatred for Rafe, anger, and a whole load of heartbreak


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