luke | see you again

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o.  After your boyfriend, Luke Patterson passed away in 1995 you were heartbroken. It isn't till years later, when you've moved on with his ex-bandmate that you see him again. Just not in the way you expected.

warnings: mentions of death, sadness.

a-n: I had this idea in my head for a while now. And I really wanted to put it into words. So hope you enjoy.

Orpheum, 1995

Y/n sat at one of the tables situated inside of the Orpheum building in Hollywood. Her e/c eyes carefully observed the muscular arms of her boyfriend, Luke as he played his guitar on the stage alongside his bandmates. Sunset Curve was their group’s name and it was consisted of Reggie – the bass guitarist, Alex – their drummer, Bobby – another guitarist and Luke – their lead singer. Right now, the band was going through a sound check for tonight’s performance. The band was hoping to make it big in the music industry, after they played this gig. They were hoping to be music legends.

Sweat trickled down their faces as they wrapped up the sound check, and jumped off the front of the stage. High-fiving each other as they did so. The h/c female cheered loudly for her boyfriend and friends, gaining their attention as they set their equipment down behind them. A wide smile adorned her features as she soon felt Luke’s arm stretch across her shoulders. The boys having now walked over to where she – and one of the waitresses – Rose stood. The latter having just finished wiping down the table in front of the group, and now looking towards the four boys. Y/n kissed Luke’s cheek, before hugging Reggie, Alex and Bobby. The four boys and two females engaged in a small conversation – well unless you considered Bobby flirting with the waitress that – then you could call it one.

“We’re going to grab street dogs; you want one babe?” Luke removed his arm from his h/c girlfriend’s shoulder, turning his head toward her as he asked. The girl in question only formed a face of disgust at the food, in response to it. She wasn’t sure how he; Reggie and Alex could stand the taste of the street dogs. But, despite her own distaste towards the hot dogs which were made in the hood of a car, she merely shook her head. Kissing her boyfriend briefly on the lips, before the boys rushed out the back exit. Y/n turned back towards Rose and Bobby – who also refused the street dogs. She joined into their conversation as they waited for their friends to return. Unaware that in a few minutes, they would never see them again. Well, not for another twenty-five years and alive that is.

Orpheum, 2020

Julie waited in the dressing room; nerves bubbling in the pit of her stomach as she waited for the boys to turn up. Where were they? She bit her lip at the thought, checking to see if she was ready to go on. She was panicking on the inside; they were set to go on in a few moments. But, the ghostly boys of Sunset Curve had yet to show up to the venue. The clock continued to tick away on the wall, nearing the time when they were to start singing. The curly haired girl glanced up at it, anxiously waiting for her bandmates to show their faces. But alas they did not.

The Molina girl let out a nervous sigh, and headed towards the stage, briefly glancing back to Flynn who was behind her. She stretched a small but noticeable smile onto her features, as she sat down at the piano onstage. Her fingers setting down dahlia flower atop the lid, before connect her fingertips to the keys. She looked up briefly out into the audience, at all the familiar and unfamiliar faces waiting for her to sing. Maybe they had already crossed over? The thought crossed her mind briefly, but she shook it away. Her hands slowly began to play each chord for Stand Tall. Until she was now fully singing the lyrics to the song. Each word fell from her lips as she got further into it.

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