luke | mistletoe kisses

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o. Julie's sick of watching you and Luke constantly stare longingly at each other. So, she uses a bit of mistletoe to do something about it.

warnings: idek. probably none.

a-n: A nice Christmas imagine for you all :) hope you like it.

Julie watched, as Y/n comfortably sat on the couch in the studio. A book was cracked open on the h/c's lap, yet she was not focussed on the words on the page. But rather, on a certain lead guitarist on the other side of the room, tuning his guitar for their band practice. The L/n girl blushed as she looked down at her book again, embarrassed she had been caught by Julie for looking at Luke. She was unaware to the love-struck gaze of the very ghost-boy she'd been staring at before. But again, Julie being observant did. However, chose not to say anything at the time and proceeded to return her focus back onto the drummer, bassist and lead guitarist in the room, and resume to their band practice again.

The practice soon ended, and after waiting for Y/n to leave the room. Julie made her way in front of where Luke stood, beside Reggie. His guitar strap was still over his shoulder, as he fiddled gently with the strings, making sure not to break them. He looked up silently, once he noticed their band's lead singer stood before him. His eyebrows furrowed briefly, in conclusion at why she was stood there. This action by the girl, also managed to catch the attention of Reggie, who had now removed his own bass guitar, and Alex who was fiddling with his drumsticks.

"So..when are you going to tell Y/n how you feel?" She asked with curiosity, trying to hide the smirk which was trying to form on her features. Luke just blushed deeply, as he stopped his fiddling on the guitar strings at the question he had been asked. Alex and Reggie leaned forward a little with their curiousness now at the question, also wanting to know when he was to confess the feelings he'd been harbouring.

"She doesn't like me like that!" Luke muttered, sadly. Before leaning his guitar against the ladder of the loft carefully. He then poofed himself away to avoid any further discussion on the topic of his feelings. Which he so believed were not requited by his crush. Leaving, a now annoyed Julie stood next to a now confused Alex and Reggie. Her thoughts repeatedly thinking about how the both of them are completely oblivious to each other's feelings to confess.

As the band continued rehearsing a new song they'd been working on, Y/n remained seated in her earlier position on the lounge. She mouthed along to each lyric as her gaze fixated on her homework, furrowing her eyebrows at the maths problems written there. As she'd taken to swapping out her book for the homework which had still needed to do for school. And so here she was, filling in each answer, before looking briefly at the band performing ahead of herself. Her e/c eyes soon connected with Luke's again, which resulted in her looking back down to her work. Once again, embarrassed to being caught, not only by Julie but also by her crush, Julie and The Phantoms' lead guitarist. Her h/c locks of hair dangled in front of her face, trying to hide the blush which started to show on her cheeks. Missing the slight annoyed look, Julie was sending her way.

Eventually, their band rehearsal finally came to an end, leaving the three ghost boys in the garage doing who knows what. While Y/n headed inside to the Molina's kitchen to grab a snack, unaware to Julie's presence as she followed the h/c girl in. It wasn't until, Y/n had opened the fridge door searching for the jar of jam that she noticed her best friend, Julie enter behind her. She soon closed the door carefully with her side, and made her way over to the kitchen bench. Her gaze was confusingly locked on the Molina girl's. As she spread the strawberry jam onto her bread, she'd gotten earlier.

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