13th Bar

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"I love you.." Mew whispered.

Maybe it was too soon. 

Maybe this wasn't the best time to say those words.

And maybe, just maybe he was getting ahead of himself once again.

But Gulf simply looked at him before hiding his face on the crook of his neck, mumbling something in response.

Past-Mew would've interpreted that silence as a rejection. But he's not the same person as before. He no longer jump into conclusions solely based on what he sees. He's more confident in himself now that he's able to "feel" instead of "think".

And what he truly feels inside is that this boy he's holding in his arms right now, also feels some type of way for him. It might not be love as of this moment, but he's sure he can work with it until finally they both feel the same way towards each other.

"Are you hungry?" Mew asked softly after awhile, trying to lighten up the mood.

Gulf merely nodded, his face still cradled onto Mew's neck.

"Want me to cook you crispy pork with basil?"

Gulf's ears perked up upon hearing the question. He immediately lifted his head and looked at the older man in excitement.

Mew laughed at his reaction. "Are you that excited?"

The younger boy just nodded repeatedly, not able to contain his excitement.

"Hmm.. Are you excited that I'm cooking for you or are you excited because it's your favourite dish?"

Gulf's eyebrows furrowed and his lips pouted. He seemed to be adorably in deep thought, conflicted. Should he lie to Mew or answer him honestly?

Mew just shook his head as the boy looked at him helplessly, a soft smile on his face. "Never mind. You don't have to answer that."

Gulf was about to jump off of Mew's lap and run over to the kitchen when the other suddenly lifted him bridal-style.

"P'Mew, w-wait-" The boy blushed a deep shade of red as Mew continued to carry him to the kitchen before finally placing him down gently onto the chair by the kitchen table. "I can walk, you know.."

"Yeah, but why walk when you have me to carry you?" Mew winked at him before turning around and heading over to the fridge. "Now let's see what you have.."

Gulf just sat in silence and blinked. Then blinked again while looking at Mew's back as he prepared a meal for him. He was so focused on cooking that Gulf almost hated it because he was not getting any attention from him. But he will be enjoying his favourite dish soon so he tried to be understanding.

He wanted to pinch himself, just to see if this was really happening to him. Maybe he has fallen asleep and this was nothing but a wonderful dream!

Then before he knew it, Gulf yelped in pain as he found himself pinching his own arm. What the hell.. He thought.

Mew immediately turned his back to look at him. "What's wrong?"

Gulf shook his head, an obvious fake smile on his face. "N-nothing. Just stubbed my toe on the table.."

Mew narrowed his eyes at him. "Behave, will you? I'm almost done here."

Gulf silently nodded his head, like a kid getting reprimanded for moving around too much during dinner time. He's usually not a patient person but the aromatic smell of basil and the satisfying sound of pork on the pan was more than enough to calm him down.

True to his words, Mew plated the dish and brought it over to the table along with a hefty bowl of rice. "Eat up."

Gulf glanced at him, holding a spoon and a fork. "You're not eating?"

Until He Graduates [MewGulf]Where stories live. Discover now