Chapter 10

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With two months passing, most things have been normal since then. Cierra had fully met and interacted with Uriel. Uriel explained how he loves science and a young scientist. Renji had taken Cierra to his house. "Yeah you can just call me goggles," Uriel says happily in his lab coat. "Weird name," Cierra remarks with a chuckle. During that time me and Cierra had some intimate moments along with some awkward ones. "Baby there's something i want to tell you," Cierra says in a soft tone as she looks up to Renji. "What is it?" Renji asks as he looks down at Cierra in the living room of their house. "I've been thinking... I want to take our relationship to the next level," Cierra explains with her face bright red. Renji's heart started pounding faster as he understood what she meant. "YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES," Renji thought in his mind as he was processing what they would be doing. Uriel ended up ruining the moment. "Renji was laying in bed along with Cierra. Cierra was sitting on top of them. Their lips were intertwined. They had been kissing. "You look amazing," Renji thought as he analyzed her body and rubbed her brown tanned skin. She was a beautiful light brown with soft brown hair. Her eyes were wide with her noticeable pink blush piercing through the brown color. Cierra was preparing to take off her shirt. Uriel had unlocked the door and walked in with his spare key. Renji had given Uriel a key long ago. Uriel made his way upstairs and entered the house. "Hey Renji, you forgot your watch at my house," Uriel says as he stands at the doorway. He had caught their attention. Renji and Cierra both glanced at him in surprise. Uriel opened his eyes and immediately understood the situation. He stood there with a smug smile. "Oh I see, my bad," Uriel says nonchalantly. Renji immediately yelled at him. "OUT OF MY ROOM OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Renji yells. "Well before I go here you go," Uriel utters as he glances back at him in the hallway. Uriel reached in his pocket and pulled out a small object. He then placed a condom into Renji's hand. The boy looked down at it. "Here you go in case you two get really busy," Uriel mutters with no problems. Cierra's face became more red with an awkward smile. "Is that what i think it is," she says as she becomes far more embarrassed then before. Renji grew more annoyed and shoved Uriel out of his house. Uriel ended on the sidewalk. He then adjusted the goggles on his head. Renji and Cierra stood in the doorway. Cierra was standing behind Renji, enjoying the situation. "Trying to give me a damn condom!!" Renji mutters with annoyance and rage for being interrupted. Cierra hugged him from behind. Her warm soft skin immediately caught his attention. Renji was caught in her love trance. She turned around and rubbed her cheek with his hand. She gave a warm smile. The two kissed. "Awe cute!" Uriel blurts out from the side and walks away from the house. "I SAID GO AWAY!" Renji responds back.

It was now tuesday, december 10th, 7:00am. It was now winter, most of the outside was covered in snow. "You're almost ready for school," Renji asks as he puts on his blue coat. "I'm not going to school today," Cierra replies as she finishes putting on her pink coat. The two stood back to back looking in opposite directions. "I'm going to see my parents," She explains. "Be Careful my love," Renji says, glazing back at her. "Of course darling," she says looking back at him. The two kissed. Renji hugged her tightly. "I love you," he says confidently. "I love you too, Renji," she says, making eye contact with him. "Text me when you can," Renji mentions as he makes his way towards the entrance of the house. "Baby, you would never let anything happen to me right," she asks before he leaves out the door. Those words shook him to his core. "Anything?" he whispers as he remembers her other previous deaths. Renji was unsure how to respond. He then refocused on his mind to the question at hand. "No... I wouldn't. I'll always protect you". "Yay!" she says she says joyfully. Renji gave a smile before walking out the front door. He closed the door behind him and took a few steps. "It's been a while since I saw this much snow," he thinks in his mind before continuing his journey to school. Renji eventually made it to his class. Renji entered the classroom and passed Uriel, who was sleeping at his desk. As time throughout the day passed, Renji was sitting there wondering. "Why do i feel lonely," he says in his mind as he continuously looks at his phone. "I feel unnatural," He remarks in his mind as he glances out the window. "Yet I feel, well loved," his consciousness tells himself. "She's so beautiful, I can't live without her," Renji says as he watches the on going traffic outside school. "What would life be like with her staying dead," Renji imagines. His phone on the desk vibrates with a notification. Renji looks down immediately. He opened his messenger app. Baby, I found my dad, he was at the old warehouse on east street, come meet him," the message from her says. Renji texted "okay baby, just for you," back to her. "I thought that place shut down years ago," Renji notes in his mind. Uriel popped up beside him. "Hey I need help with this work, I wasn't paying attention and it's stuff I don't already know," he utters looking at the school paper. "By the way," Renji mentions to Uriel. It caught his attention. "What is it," Uriel responds. "Did the east street warehouse get shut down?" he asks curiously. "Yeah like six years ago," Uriel replies as he reassures Renji. "I got to go," Renji says as his pupils shrink. He started to panic. Renji then stood up from his desk. "You can't just skip school," Uriel remarks from behind. Renji continued to storm out the classroom. "I knew this would happen!" Renji says angrily. Renji grabbed his coat from his locker and dashed out the school. Renji ran as fast as he could til he reached the abandoned building.

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