Chapter 5

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His dreams became lucid. His mind was roaming around multiple worlds. Renji found himself in an empty wasteland. He was surrounded by people who looked like indians. Renji looked around confused. His dreams mostly have him doing random things but this place had meaning. It felt too real. It was like he was truly in that old time period. He was surrounded by a straw home and darkened men with various symbols and marks on their faces. A man sat on a horse with a huge hat of feathers looked down upon him. The man on the horse looked like Uriel in a way. Before Renji could question it, he looked over behind him. He notices the huge ocean that covers the horizon. In the ocean where multiple wooden boats. Three large ships eventually landed on the shore. Then the words came over him again. "Live in the impossible world". Renji's mind was transferred into another place. He was standing there looking around. He was outside of a factory. Renji held two pistols in each hand. He then entered the building. Multiple people within the room stood fifteen men and women. All all pointed their guns at him. Renji couldn't control his body. His body was on autopilot. Renji then fired his guns at the people. His body was obviously not human. Even though he knew he couldn't control his body, he felt the parts moving in his body. He was a bit of a cyborg. His eyes could scan everyone in the room. The bodies started dropping. The floor of the entire room had become dark red. He felt no emotions in them moments. Renji continued to walk through the building. He shredded through enemy by enemy until he reached the final room.

Renji's mind was then projected back into the real world. He returned to reality. His eyes opened. His vision focused on the ceiling. Renji sat up in his sweat. Cierra was still asleep. He wiped his sweat and looked at the watch on his hand. After a few days he showed up to Uriel's house once more. His father opened the door again. "Hello, he is in his lab," the father said allowing Renji in. "Thank you," renji replies as he walks past him. Renji began walking down into the basement. "Hey Uriel, goggles boy, you will never guess what i have," Renji says happily. "I know," Uriel says with a huge grin. Renji was caught off guard. "What! How?" Renji asks in confusion. Uriel turned his head around to reveal a smugging grin. "Did you save Cierra?" he asks as he knows the answer. "You shouldn't be able to remember her name," Renji says as he recalls Uriel forgetting in the previous timeline. "Did you see another version of yourself?" Uriel interrogates. His happy demeanor had changed into a more deeper and serious tone. A tone that he uses when talking about serious science. "No, I started at the spot I was at the first time," Renji explains. "Then it's as I thought," Uriel remarks as he adjusts his lab coat. "There are two kinds of time travel. One where there are two of you in the same world. The past you and the current you. One of these is meant for looking around the old world, and if you change anything it could easily change the world or even destroy it. Then there is one where the current you replaces the past version of you in another dimension or transfers your current consciousness to your older body in that time. It's like having a toy box and instead of having two toys you replace your old toy with a new one. Do you understand?." Uriel describes and then asks the question. Renji stood there processing everything being said. He thought about how time travel tended to look in movies and shows. He started to connect everything he experienced and believed Uriel was right. "But be careful, who knows how many old you can fit in that body of yours. How much consciousness can be overwritten," Uriel continued to say. "Time travel as less as possible, there could be a billion Renji's walking around in some dimension where the old you's are being stored," he explains, giving him caution. "But that doesn't answer why you were not affected when i went back in time," Renji says with concern. "I'm not sure, I guess since I touched the watch as well, I went back in time with you," he says nonchalantly. Renji sat there and thought about it. "Then if that's the case...," Renji says out loud. "Yes, if Cierra touches that watch she will not be affected by the time travel as well, meaning if she dies again, if you go back, she will only have a blank non existing consciousness in her old body," Uriel explains. "I understand," Renji says with confidence. "Since you saved her, what you guys been doing," Uriel says, not caring about the subject change. He followed up his words with a smug grin. "We kissed every now and then and she lives with me now," Renji says proudly. "Did you know do it with her," Uriel says with an exaggerated face that was mocking him. "Shut up!" Renji says being annoyed. "And no...," Renji says looking away in a slight embarrassment. "Well glad to see you becoming a man now," Uriel says with a smile. "So you guys are officially together," he remarks. "Kinda, but i haven't really asked her out yet," Renji claims as his face changed by talking to her. "Oh i see, it's getting late. You should head home," Uriel says as he notices the clock. "Goodnight man," Renji says as he turns around and makes his way up the house. Forty minutes had passed. The time was 10:50 pm. "Hey Cierra i'm home," Renji says as he enters the house. Renji made his way upstairs and saw a Cierra that was focusing on her book while laying in bed. "Okay good," Cierra says out loud not paying attention. She was still reading her book. "What have you been doing?" Renji asks as he looks at her book. "Just reading," she says as she glances over to him. "Oh, well what's it about?" Renji asks curiously. "The book is called the lonely walker. It's about a little kid who was abused and became a serial killer," She described with preciseness. "I'm surprised you read things like that," he remarks. "I love stuff like this," she says in a soft innocent tone. After a few minutes the two were laying in bed once more. "Are you okay?" he said, making sure she was fine. "Renji, do you miss your old home," she says as if it didn't mean anything. "That came out of nowhere," he responds, making him more interested. A small tear fell from her eye. "I miss my home, my friends and my family. My mothers food that she cooked everyday," she described in a pained voice. Renji quickly grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "It's okay, I'm here for you, I love you and know how you feel," he explains to her as she presses her blushing and crying face deeper into his chest. "You can depend on me," he says while making eye contact. The two had a passionate kiss. "Then I will believe in you," she says with her face bright red with a loving smile that warmed his heart. "I'll do whatever i need to do, to keep a smile on your face," he proclaims while trying to keep her confidence up. "Kiss me again," she responds while their face is a few inches away. Renji and Cierra began to kiss again. "Renji opened his left eye and peaked at the clock next to him. The time read 11:00pm. "Go to bed my love," he says happily. "Okay," she replies with a huge blush before laying down. Renji was sitting there sweating with a fake smile. "I could have had sex tonight but i just ruined that," he thought in his mind.

The time was 2:30 am. The two laid in bed. Cierra suddenly sat up. "Well i can't sleep, i'm hungry too," she thinks to herself as she holds her stomach. Cierra made her way to the kitchen and began cooking some bacon. After a few moments the sounds of banging and clashing echoes throughout the house. Renji woke up from the noise and sat up. He walked down the stairs and wiped his eyes to regain full consciousness. Cierra, what are you doing?" he asks while not paying attention. His eyes began to look down. "What happened." Renji says before he comprehended what was on the ground. Cierra was laying in a puddle of blood with her neck split open.

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