Chapter 16

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Cierra was stuck in place. Her chaotic emotions came to a stop.

"All these months and time wasted," Renji says as he looks back at her. Cierra looked at the watch. Her mind went blank. The area around her became grey and full of mist. "Die, you should, you ruined it, leave, why, too late," voices said echoing from all over the place. Standing before her, The mysterious man in a top hat with a cape looked at her. Before he turned around completely he glanced back. "Too late for you, goodbye," the man says. "Who are you?" she asks desperately. "Your death," the man casually responds. "Im your reaper". Renji in the outside world was shaking Cierra's unconscious body. Uriel stood behind then yawning before looking up to the sky. "What's that," he mentions before his eyes widen. The sky darkened with cracks in the sky. The visible black cracks spreaded for miles. Heavy winds started to pick up. Suddenly a hole formed in the middle of the cracks. A black hole was created. A solar eclipse was then seen in the sky. "The sky is breaking," renji says looking up at the black hole. Cierra was looking at it as well. The ground beneath them began to crumble with surrounding trees floating into the sky. "It's a black hole," Renji remarks as he turns away. "I noticed," Uriel responds. "We can't have this, we have to go back in time. "No you will make it worse!" Uriel shouts to him. Renji then stood still and closed his eyes. Uriel quickly grabbed the watch out of Cierra's hand. He placed it on his wrist. The surrounding aura surrounds both of their bodies. They both then appeared in the time tunnel. "How you follow me," Renji said looking over to the boy next to them. They arrived at a new location in time. The two suddenly landed themselves in a desert. "Stop this!" Uriel shouts. "I'm sorry but I have to do this," Uriel says as he cocks his arm back. Uriel punched Renji in the stomach causing him to fly back. The boy lands onto the ground and loops up. "I need to make things right, it's the only option, things have to go right with her. With Cierra," Renji says as he stands up. "We are in a desert, look at us!" Uriel says in determination. Renji then dashed at Uriel and struck him in his cheek. "I must save her, I love her too much, she deserves to live and be loved for the person she is," Renji states. The goggles that always are on Uriel's head fell off. Uriel began to stand up. "Do you even know what love is!" Uriel asks as he faces his best friend in front of him. The two faced each other. "Of course," Renji responds. "Then why do something Cierra says she doesn't want to happen!" Uriel blurts out. His words impacted Renji deeply. Suddenly another black hole formed over the desert. "The two immediately started to time travel. They returned back to the present. Renji kneed Uriel's chin as a form of attack. The orange haired boy regained his composure and swung his fist as a counter attack. The two locked arms and pushed against each other. More cracks throughout the sky were formed. The wind around the world started to pick up. Buildings and cars started to be sucked up into the sky. People and animals from all over the world were being affected. The world was starting to fall apart along with the universe itself. "Each time we teleport, it rips spacetime, why don't you get it! You are killing all of us!" Uriel said as he wiped the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Another large black hole formed in the sky with cracks coming from it. Then multiple human bodies dropped out of it. "The dimension with all the bodies that you have replaced during your time of time traveling has broke, each time you went back, your consciousness went back into a separate older body, now there all here, your copies, the you who failed to save her and will continue to fail her as long as your doing what you're doing!" Uriel says desperately. More black holes formed around the city. The sky darkened further. Skyscrapers began to fall apart and float into them. The two stopped fighting to take a look at the sky. "Guy's stop it!" Cierra says as she walks up to the beaten up Renji. "Cierra, I'm sorry," Renji says in a soft tone. "I don't care about that, I understand," she says while making eye contact with him. "Now kiss and make up," Uriel says joyfully. "I swear," Renji replies with his typical Uriel annoyance expression. "There's not much we can do, the black holes are sucking everything up," Uriel says looking around them. The bridge above them began to crack with concrete rising into the sky. "Check the news to see if it's across the world," Renji requests. The group started to run back towards the house. After a few minutes they arrived and settled down. Uriel handed Renji the remote. He turned it on and the news was on all channels. A man with black spiky hair and beard appeared on the station."Mysterious black holes have appeared all over the world, some say this was to be shown as a religious event known as the Rapture. Some are saying science caused this, we have no idea," the news man explains. Uriel then begins to walk off. "Where are you going," Renji says looking over."to call my father," he says glancing back. A smile formed on Renji's face. "Tell him I said goodbye for now," Renji says with a grin. With a small tear rolling down his cheek, Uriel looks back with a grin. "I will." he responds before leaving the living room. "Renji are you okay?" Cierra asks with her hands behind her back. "Renji looks up to the girl before him. "Yeah, you can say that," Renji hessidently says. "Clean yourself up, i want to talk to you," she says with a worried expression. After a minute, Renji stood up and made his way to the bathroom. He then splashed some water on his face and took a rag to wipe the bruises. The boy then looked at himself in the mirror. Renji then rubbed his chin and cheek before finally touching his curly hair at the bottom. "How did all this happen," he recites in his mind. He then left the bathroom and reentered the living room. "You done in there?" she asks. "My eyes hurt," Renji says wiping the corners over them. Renji and Cierra then started sitting next to each other. "I'm sorry I acted the way I did," Cierra states while looking down. "It's fine,I understand why, anyone finding out they died many times would go crazy," Renji says reassuring her. "But i also wanted to tell you about my parents. Why weren't they there at my house, i knew they were dead and you were the one to kill them Renji..." Cierra says while looking at him.

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