chapter 4

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"CIERRA NO!!" Renji yelled out desperately. The boy's eyes produce tears that look nearly the same as cierra's. His mind was jumbled all over the place. Renji then glanced over to a car sitting on the road and a woman with a smile in a black hoodie was pointing a gun at them. A hooded figure quickly got into the car. The car ran off down the road. "'Hurry and drive," the hooded figure said to a woman in the driver's seat. Renji grabbed his phone from his pocket and called the police. "Must call 911!" he said in his mind. "What is your emergency," a monotone voice of a girl asks on the phone. "Yes a girl has been shot, she might not make it,". After explaining all that happened, renji got down on his knees and attempted to help her. He performed cpr and tried to do anything he could. She did not respond. After around 20 minutes, the police and an ambulance had come. The paramedics had got to her and attempted to save her. She was already gone. "She's dead!" one of the paramedics blurted out. Renji sat in the rain. "My first love died," he remarked in his mind. He stood outside and cried. Later he talked to the police, and explained everything. He was allowed to go home. Renji stayed up for many days. It had been four days since he had had sleepless nights. Renji laid in bed. He had been staring at the ceiling. He raised his arm into the air and stared at his watch. He was analyzing all the buttons. The next day, he went to Uriel's house. Renji knocked on the door and waited for a few moments. An older man with spiky hair and facial hair opened the door. His two bangs on the side of his hair waved in the wind. "Is Uriel here?" Renji asks. "He's in his lab," Uriels's father comments before moving to the side. Renji walked in and made his way to the basement. Renji stood behind a working Uriel who was busy creating a diagram of the sun and moon and the earth. "If i calculate the distance from the moon and sun, there should be a solar eclipse in two weeks," Uriel says to himself. "Hey" Renji says in a soft tone. "Hey man," Uriel replies as he lifts his goggles from his eyes. Before he spoke again, he noticed the dark bags under Renji's eyes. "Are you okay, you look like an old man," Uriel remarks. Renji thought about what he had to say. His face saddened. "Cierra died," renji muttered. "Who that," Uriel says nonchalantly. "The damn girl i liked!" Renji exclaims. "Oh sorry," Uriel said nervously. "She had a mental breakdown for some reason, and then I managed to calm her. She did say I love you to me before dying," Renji explained. "I'm sorry man, sucks to hear but I know that's not the real reason you came here," Uriel says as he stands up.

The two were face to face. "I have a watch I want you to look at," Renji says as he glances down at this wrist. He unwraps the watch from his wrist and hands to Uriel. "Uriel extended his hands out and grabbed it. "Where did you get it, Uriel asks as he looks down at it. After a moment, Uriel went into a trance. His pupils expanded. Uriel's consciousness drifted the same way Renji's did in the past. His mind created a blank space, full of mist. Voices from a variety of people began to speak to him. "You fell for it, the future, the past, you failed, kill him," were all things the voices said. After that, Uriel's mind was transferred into a new space. Standing before Uriel, was the man in a cloak and top hat. "Only you can save him," the man in the half mask says as he vanishes in thin air. "Wake up!" Renji says as he shakes Uriel's body. The boy came back into consciousness. It was an out of body experience that no one in the world ever had besides Renji and Uriel. The orange haired boy's expression had gotten more serious. "When you touched this, did you black out?" Uriel asks in a determined manner. "Yeah." Renji responds looking curious. "It seems the feeling of the watch can hypnotise you, basically puts you into shock" Uriel describes. "The person who gave me this said it can time travel," renji postulates. "Impossible," Uriel mutters as he is torn on to believe it or not. "No such thing as time travel but this watch does look weird," Uriel notes. "I'm not sure what this is, it says hour, minute and second then it has years and a day. Then it has this other button on it. "Why don't you try to go back in time before Cierra dies," Uriel says with caution. "Alright, it was around 4:30 when i talked to her five days ago. Not long after I got home for school," Renji mentions as he twists the buttons of the watch and rewinds the time backwards. "See ya," Renji says as presses a button on the side. An aura engulfs Renji's body. Uriel stands there in surprise. Renji has then gone. His body was moving quickly in a space tunnel with multiple colors. His body floated in the tunnel as it made turns and curves. Renji's vision became white. Renji opened his eyes. In his right eye, his pupils had formed the shape of a number 2 and his left pupil had the shape of the number 1. "Where am i, did i actually do it," Renji thinks in his head. Renji observed the situation and understood that this was the moment, Cierra ran off. "I'm sorry i have to go! Cierra cries out as she stands up. "I can't let her leave the house!" he says in his mind before moving. Before she could turn around Renji moved closer and kissed her. Her mind went blank for a moment. Renji did what he did before. Her eyes wided. A warm feeling of love overcame her. Renji pulled away and hugged her from behind. "It doesn't matter what your past is, it doesn't matter, you are here now, i understand you must have been suffering but you have people now, you have me to support you, it's okay, you can relax," Renji says in a soft tone. "What the hell am i talking about," Renji was thinking. "You're my first love," Renji also comments. Cierra stood there not saying anything. Her face was flustered. "I didn't just say I love her out loud. What am I doing with my life," he thinks as he gives a passionate smile to the girl he's holding. "You're so awkward but I love it," she says with a chuckle. She began to wipe her tears. Outside down the street the hooded figure was standing outside the vehicle waiting for cierra to come out. "Where is she!?," she blurts out. "She texted me saying she was going to the store," the girl in the car remarks. "I was going to shoot her but I guess I'll have to wait, the woman in the hood voices. "It's a bit cold at my house, can i stay the night with you," Cierra says in a low tone. "Oh uh...sure," renji says happily. The only words in his mind were "HELL YES!". "Feel like you're at home," he mentions. "I already am," she says with a smile. Later that night the two were in his bedroom. "Sorry, there's only one bed. "It's fine, I don't mind," Cierra mutters with a yawn. She rubbed the back of her head and smiled. "If you want, i can sleep downstairs," Renji says, trying to be considerate. Renji faced the doorway. Cierra came up behind him and hugged him from behind. "What you said earlier. Don't go back on it," she whispers to him. She didn't care for her having to sleep with him. "My dear lord," he says in his mind as he blushes. His embarrassment shot through the roof. After a few minutes, the moonlight was shining through the window. The two were in bed facing opposite sides. Renji was on the left and Cierra was on the right, a few inches apart. "I'm finally sleeping with a girl...a real female!" his thoughts continued to express. He couldn't stop smiling at the thought of being with a girl for the first time. "So what's it like at your house," Renji says, trying to make conversation. Cierra moved her body and faced upwards towards the ceiling. "I'll be honest with you, i live in an abandoned house with nearly no electricity or anything. The only thing I have is water that I barely got working," she describes as she thought about her past actions. The first words that came from his mouth was "live with me".

"You would really let me do that," she says with a depressed love. Her face was as cute as ever. "Yeah we kissed twice, we might as well be officially together," Renji says happily taking advantage of the situation. "But we only kissed once," she remarks with a confused face and tone. Renji got nervous as he realized he messed up and remembered he had to go back in time. "Oh yeah, hehe," he utters as he glances back at her. She flipped over and wrapped her arms around his body. "I never had a boyfriend, so I guess this will be a unique experience," she says as she presses her face into his back. "Have you ever loved another girl before," she asks curiously. "No not really, i wouldn't say love but i liked someone when i was a little kid, i didn't quite understand what love meant. Renji's mind remembered when he was in third grade. The young renji was standing and looking out the window of the school. A small girl with brown hair was standing behind him. "There's something I want to tell you," the little girl says. "I just want to say you're cute and I like you alot," the little girl announces to him. Renji's face was blank and tried to understand what she was saying. It had come from nowhere. "Adults call it love so my mom says if i really like something,i love it, sooo i really love you!" the little girl says as she has a big grin. The young renji stared at her before speaking. "Love? If that's the case then uhh i love you too then," he says as he looks down at her. The two made eye contact. Later in the class everyone was sitting in a circle with an older lady sitting in a chair, "what do you guys want to do when you grow up," the lady asks to the class. "A racer!" one kid with glasses says. "I wanna go to space!" one of the other kids says. "I want to be a scientist!" a young uriel with huge goggles on his forehead says. "Renji's wife!" the girl with brown hair says as she raises her hand. The young boy was confused as to why she would say as such out loud. "Awe cute," the old teacher mutters. "I don't know what to do," the young renji says. "Marry me then," the girl says looking at him. "You both will have to get much older for that, the teacher explains. Renji looked down. "Are you thinking about that incident," the teacher says concerningly. "Oh yeah, i heard that your house caught fire," the girl says. The memories of Renji's family flooded him. "Can i use the bathroom?" the young renji says to the teacher. "You can," the teacher answers. "Did i say something wrong," the little girl says innocently. Renji stood up and walked out the classroom. "You hurt his feelings, it was bad for you to talk about other people's business out loud," the teacher explains. The young Uriel," watches the situation go down. He could only say the words "Renji". Renji explained the story to Cierra. She immediately realized what it was. "That little girl was me," Cierra mentions to Renji. "There's no way!" he says, surprised as he glared at her. "I'm getting sleepy goodnight," she says as she quickly attempts to pass out. "Goodnight," he says to her and in his mind. Renji attempted to sleep but couldn't. His mind wouldn't form a dream. When he had his eyes closed, his mind created a blank space once more. His mind was silent, there was no dream in sight. Then a deepened voice spoke. The words shook Renji to his very core. The words that he shouldn't have heard. A voice that sounded familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The voice said the words.

"Live in the impossible world".

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