Chapter 13

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Cierra's blood dripped off of Renji's face. He stood above her body. He then fell to his knees and cried out in rage and sadness. He used all of his frustrations on his one and only lover. The one he cared about the most in the world. Tears fell from his eyes. "No, I must get myself together," he reassures in his mind. Renji then began pressing the watches buttons that he had put on his wrist. Renji then traveled back in time. But something odd occurred. Rather than being put in bed where he was a few minutes ago before the event. He was in another location. "Why am i in the bathroom?" he questioned himself. "I wasn't in the bathroom eight minutes ago," Renji says as he looked down upon the cracked watch. "Is my watch not working," Renji thinks to himself as he leaves the bathroom. Cierra was still standing outside the window. "Hey, I was just looking out the window," the girl from this timeline repeated. Time had altered. "Come back to bed with me," Renji asks of her. "Okay," she replies calmly while walking past a night stand with nothing on it.

The next day after school, Renji was following Uriel. "To my house," Uriel blats out with his usual grin. Renji walked closely behind with his typical annoyance with Uriel expressions. "Did y'all have fun when you guys weren't at school yesterday!" Uriel teasingly mocks. "Shut up, I'll kill you," Renji says in a fake annoyed tone. "I'll have you know, we went to her parent's house!" Renji says strongly. Uriel continued to chuckle happily as they walked along the sidewalk. Everyone arrived at Uriel's house. Cierra also arrived at the house. "Can you help me fix my computer while I help Renji," Uriel asks of Cierra. She accepted and sat down on his computer after Uriel explained to her the problem. Renji and Uriel sat across the room and talked in a low tone. "Now renji, what happened," Uriel says in a deepening tone. "When i used the watch, i didn't go back to where i originally was,i was teleported to the right time period but not the right location where i should have been," Renji delineates. "Maybe your power you naturally have messed up the watch," Uriel hypothesizes. "Try to activate your power now," Uriel mutters to test his theory. Renji then closed his eyes and focused. Nothing happened. "It's not working," Renji remarks after a few seconds. "So it only activates emotionally," Uriel whispers. "This is a bad sign. You need to use the watch as less as possible," Uriel says as a warning. Renji knew it deep down that is what he would have to do. "It's a bit hard for that," Renji comments. "Spacetime is ripping," Uriel remarks before a figure walks across the lab. "Fixed your computer," Cierra says as she stands above him. "Thank you," the orange haired boy responds before standing up. He then hugs both Cierra and Renji for a group hug. "Who wants some food!" Uriel lightly blurts out with a smile and tries to change the subject. They all eventually started walking up the stairs. Uriel, Renji and Cierra all were eating at the kitchen table. "This is great man," Renji says as he chews up some steak. "Amazing!" Cierra says joyfully. "Thank you for dinner," Renji says while thanking his best friend. The group eventually broke up. Renji and Cierra left Uriel's house later that day. The two were having a date in the main city. "Baby look, wedding dresses!" Cierra points out as she looks at the store across the street. "Sure," Renji says, agreeing with his loving girlfriend. "Yay!" Cierra replies while looking back at him. The two walked over to the store. "Well do your thing," Renji remarks to her. Cierra then walked around the store examining different dresses. Cierra found one and then went into the changing room. Cierra popped out after a few minutes wearing a long white dress. Cierra's long hair dropped down to the bottom of the dress. The dress was incredibly soft with a wavy pattern. "How do I look," Cierra asks. Renji was stunned. "Oh my god, so hot!" Renji thought in his mind as he told her that she looks beautiful in reality. "I'll check out some more," Cierra proposes. "Go ahead and take your time babe," Renji says. You get into a suit," she comments as she turns around. "I hate shopping," Renji mentions in his mind as he just replies saying okay. After a few minutes, Renji came out of the mens changing room in a suit. Cierra then hugged Renji suddenly. "You're perfect," Cierra says out loud to the store. "Come have fun with me," Cierra says in a warm tone before kissing him. "Right here in the middle of the store!?" Renji thought in his mind as he was being kissed. After a few hours of exploring the city, Renji and Cierra had reached home. "It was fun but I'm tired," he explains while having the time of his life. The happy atmosphere changed. A woman was sitting on the porch of Renji's house.she had been sitting on the stairs leading to the front door. The girl looked up at the couple. "Who is this at our front door!?" Renji questioned in his mind. "Hey my love," the unknown woman casually says. "Why are you calling me your love!" Renji says confusingly. Cierra stayed silent as she watched their interaction. "Why wouldn't I, you are my boyfriend?'' the woman says calmly. The woman had long hair that went to her shoulders with curly hair going in every direction in the back. She was peach colored and wore a dark blue shirt. Her lipstick was noticeable. The girl stood up. "You've been cheating on me?" Cierra says under her breath. "What no!" Renji says out loud as he looks back at her. "This is a set up, you stranger, get away from my house!" Renji says angrily. His pupils changed to the numbers one and two the sign that he was about to create a wormhole similar to what he did in the warehouse. "Fine then, i knew you had a side chick but i told you i didn't mind," the girl said as she stood a few inches away from renji. The girl then leaned in and kissed Renji in front of Cierra. "Goodbye then for right now," the girl says. Renji was too stunned to move his lips away from hers. Cierra looked in sadness and surprise. She put together that somehow this event was relevant to when Uriel and Renji had their secret talk outside. The girl glanced over at Cierra as the two were kissing. She then moved away and walked past her. "Don't touch my boyfriend anymore," the girl demands of Renji. "I had nothing to do with this!" Renji says to assure Cierra. She was not believing it. "I'm done with you, I'm not going to have you cheat on me, I'm breaking up with you, you two can be together all you want," Ceirra says as her emotions overtook her. The words that she spoke, corrupted him. His eyes changed from the numbers one and two and then became the numbers three and four. Renji then time traveled back in time without using his watch.

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