Chapter 14

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Renji stood in the place he was before they arrived at the house. "Did i just go back in time without my watch, i guess i truly must have powers just like Uriel says," Renji thought to himself as he glances over at Cierra. "Why do you look so mad?" the girl asks, being concerned. "That's weird," Renji remarked in his mind before saying "im fine," to Cierra. "Well you can rest, we are almost home," Cierra said proudly. Renji stopped his movements. "Oh,I forgot," he said in his mind. "Oh,baby, there's a last thing I want to do, I want to get you some nice earrings," Renji said nervously. Cierra stopped moving and turned around. "Earrings, since when did you care about that stuff?" she said in surprise. "Yes, you would look even cuter," Renji said, trying not to make himself look suspicious. "You think so! Let's get them now!" Cierra blurts out happily as she grabs Renji's hand and pulls it. "Of course," he mutters in a sigh of relief. The two turned around and journeyed back to the city. The two held hands tightly and continued their shopping. An hour had passed since that moment. They were in a jewelry store. Cierra placed large hoop earrings into her ear. Then she tried on smaller hoops and then tried on small diamond ones. Meanwhile the mysterious woman was still sitting on the porch waiting for Renji and Cierra to get back to the house. "Where is he?" she says to herself while looking at her watch. The girl then stood up and left the house. "I guess i'll go home, why would someone pay for me to act like some random guy's boyfriend, oh well" the girl utters as she goes back home. "I hope that girl isn't at my house still," Renji says as the two make it through their neighborhood. "You look worried," Cierra mentions while observing his face. "I'm just tired is all," Renji groans as he looks over to her. "I see," she whispers before focusing back on the walk at thand. Renji then looks over at his house. The girl was missing. "Good, she's not there, he tells himself. Cierra stood behind him at the front door of their house. "Oh, I'm going to the corner store real quick to get a drink," Cierra mentions to him. "Go ahead," Renji says looking back with a smile. Cierra turned around and prepared to go across the street. Suddenly a speeding car had turned the corner while Cierra was in the middle of the road. Cierra then turned her eye to seeing the car moving at sixty miles an hour. "I need to get across faster," Cierra thinks in her mind as she attempts to sprent. Before Renji could open the door to his house, a loud bang ranged in the air. Renji's senses activated and he already assumed what happened. Renji glanced back to Cierra that had been split in half in the air. The front of the vehicle had a completely broken window and blood was splattered all throughout the front of the car. The first half of the corpse landed onto the ground while the bottom half of her stomach and legs landed onto the roof of the car. Renji wasn't in shock. Anytime she did anything on her own, death would follow quickly. "OH MY GOD, I'M TIRED OF CIERRA DYING!" Renji shouts in frustration. Renji then Adjusted the watch's time before time traveling a few minutes before. Renji then found himself on a tall mountain somewhere in the world. "What the! A mountain!?" he says to himself as he looks around. Renji looked at the watch once more. Renji then repressed the date and time again. He went through the time tunnel again and then found himself in a wasteland. Renji reopened his eyes to see soldiers firing at other soldiers. Renji was in some trenches. Above Renji's head was barbed wire. A grenade was thrown into the trench where Renji and many other people were standing. Right before it exploded, Renji fixed the time again and attempted to go back again. The watch cracked some more and sparks of electricity surrounded it. Renji was in the place he was supposed to be next to Cierra. Renji was sweating heavily as if he had run many miles. "You look tired, are you okay?" she asks while awaiting an answer. Renji glanced down at his broken watch. "This watch..." he mutters to himself as he faces the house. "Just go in the house," Renji demands Cierra. His voice had deepened. She never saw an aggressive side to him outside of a few bad loops in the past. "The outside of the watch cracked a bit more.

The time was 5:15pm. Two hours since Renji last traveled back in time. Uriel banged on Renji's front door. The boy opened the door. "We need to talk," Uriel says seriously. Renji stepped outside and closed the door behind him. "Renji handed the broken watch to Uriel. "I used it, it wasn't working, it took me to random time periods and locations on top of that it's more cracked now," Renji explains. "Your breaking space," Uriel says as he examines it. "I also realized you got more to your power then you think," Uriel proclaims. "I've unlocked more powers, just like my pupils were once one and two, now it's three and four," Renji says as he explained that he looked in the mirror and could tell what happened. "Just like the black hole, I can also seemingly go back in time without the watch," Renji delineates. "It makes sense, your powers, if this is the case then you should be able to go up to nine," he remarks while thinking.

"One and two forms a black hole

Three and four allows for backwards time travel

Five and six allows you to stop time

Seven and eight possibly allow you to envision the future or past and then eight and nine allow you to go to the future," Uriel elucidates. "Stop time?" Renji questions. "Yes if you remember, a while back at school, Cierra spilled food on some girl's clothes. You then ran and stopped the incident, I thought you were just running super quickly, but no human is that fast naturally. The only way you could have got to her is if you slowed or stopped time around you for maybe at least three seconds," Uriel postulates. Renji then remembered the time he had grabbed that girl's arm. His momentum into moving over the table. "I assume this is the end for this watch, probably can get around three more uses for it if it works correctly," Uriel conjectures. Cierra had been standing behind the door listening. She noticed that Renji had gone out to have a conversation again. She had her head pressed against the wooden door. She knew that Uriel was very smart and wouldn't lie, especially in complicated explanations. What he said had to be true. "I hate always having to die, if she didn't die or something goes wrong where she hates me, I wouldn't have to spam my abilities," Renji says carelessly. These words shocked Cierra the most. "Me...die...a lot, there's no way, I can't believe it, that's what those secrets he has is, why he always suddenly acts different and weird," i'm not thing but trouble for him," Cierra concludes. Her emotions started to run high. Not only did she have a bad life after her parents' disappearance, forced to live on her own but she understood all this time she was fated to die. She continued to hear Renji's rant on her deaths and she heard the horrible ways she died. Her mind started to break.

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