Chapter 11

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Renji stood outside the building. He notices the open door with wooden planks boarding it up. Renji then grabbed the pieces and ripped them off with immense strength. "CIERRA!!" Renji yells. His voice echoes throughout the empty building. Glass was broken throughout the building with bricks all over the place, most of the building was empty. Only dirt and dust covered the floors with a few boxes and machinery laying around. Renji made his way to the back of the warehouse. He then sees a figure sitting down. A half naked mutilated Cierra was tied up. Her clothes were ripped along with her eyes being ripped out. Blood dripped from her eye sockets. Deep cuts and blood covered her entire face and head. Cuts along her neck spewed more blood. Her pants were gone with cuts and holes in her legs. Her shirt was ripped in half with a long slice from her right shoulder down to her left side through her stomach. "Renji," the near dead corpse whispers with blood and drool coming from her mouth. Without the single light dangling above her body, most of her other injuries would be more hidden. Renji stood in shock. "Oh dear god, what happened, your eyes, your arms, your body," Renji mutters as tears begin to fall from his eyes. A group of men was standing in the darkness of the room. All of them entered the light. "I'll kill whoever did this to you!" Renji says with anger. A man in a red hoor with curly hair and small chin hair stood before him. "You kill us, yeah right," the man says. Another man was standing next to a pillar. "Impossible," a younger boy who was wearing a coat and a hat. "Why did you bastards do this to her!" Renji says angrily. Another man with long black hair and a small beard walked out from behind the chair. "Why would you care, she's pretty much dead," the gangster says as he kicks over the chair that the dead Cierra was tied up in. Cierra's corpse landed onto the floor revealing more of her injuries. "She was fun to play with, she was indeed much of a fighter though but it was good as it lasted,if that is what you were hitting every night then you are one lucky boy. But we wanted someone to see our masterpiece. When we found out she had a boyfriend, we knew it had to be you," the man elucidates. "Stop!" Renji mutters under his breath. "Worthless trash, you enjoy it," the boy in the hat laughs. The long haired man pulled out of her eyeballs from his pocket. Rage engulfed Renji's consciousness. The man in the red hoodie pulled out a hand gun and fired at Renji. Blood splattered from Renji's shoulder. The feeling of pain was non existent. "You hurt the person I loved the most," Renji blurts out. With tears in his eyes, he walked closer to them at full speed. His pupils change shape to the numbers, one in his left eye and the number two in his right eye. He yelled out in rage. All of them being caught off guard, a black hole like portal formed in the room, the man in the red hoodie was sucked into it. "What the hell! Did he just get sucked into a portal!" the boy with the hat remarks. The gangster with the red hoodie landed into a forest. He stood up and looked around. Suddenly he was lifted into the air and eaten by a T-rex. Another portal opened up behind the boy with the hat. He tried to resist and fell into the wormhole behind him. He then fell downwards. He noticed the orange liquid he was going to land in. He was falling to a volcano. "Is that lava!" he remarked as he descenigrates in the burning lava. Part of the volcano erupted. The man with the long hair was sucked into the next wormhole. The gangster was then floating in space. Before losing consciousness he could only question where everything was, everything was black. Just then two particles clashed together. The big bang explosion then happens, he was then burned away in a nano second as the universe was being created.

Renji stood there in agony. A figure was standing behind him. He could feel the presence of another. Renji glanced back at Uriel who was standing behind him with a watch in his hand. "Why... why is it always like this," Renji mutters as he wipes his tears. "Her death is her fate," Uriel mentions. "It's not right, she doesn't deserve to die!" Renji exclaims. "Just accept it, she will die no matter what," Uriel assures Renji. "Renji's annoyance grew more. "SHUT UP,I HAVE THIS WATCH FOR A REASON!" Renji shouts as his pupils return to normal. The pupils he normally has as he time travels faded out. Renji stood up off his knees and looked at Uriel with determination. "I'll save her no matter what," Renji says with confidence. "That's the Renji I know," Uriel says with a smile. He then extends his hands out with a watch in it. "I forgot to give you your watch before you kicked me out". "Thank you," Renji responds as he places the watch on his wrist. "Now go save your girl before I do," Uriel says with a grin. Renji then pressed 6:00am on his watch. The aura surrounded both Renji and Uriel. Renji then time traveled. The boy awoke in his room. He was sitting up next to Cierra. "Good morning darling," she says happily. Renji then looks over to the girl besides him. "Are you okay?" she asks in a soft tone. Renji staying silent hugs her tightly, and presses her head against his chest. "Your mine forever," Renji states. "You changed so much," Cierra notes. "What do you mean?". "Just a few months ago, you were so awkward," she explains as she looks back on their moments. "You barely could talk to be and now look at yourself," she says proudly. "Yeah," he slowly responds. "Is that all i could really say," he says to himself in his mind. "You got school today right," she asks in a curious look. "Today i want to meet your parents," Renji says to her. She was caught off guard. "Are you sure..." she says as she looks up to him. "Yes of course," he utters with a smile assuring her. "Do you have any idea where they are," Renji asks with a worried expression. "Yeah, get ready," she responds while grinning. "Well I'm going to get into the shower," he says as he gets out the bed. "Good because i'm coming with you. "What," he says nervously. After a few minutes, the two ended up in the bathroom. Cierra had already completely undressed. Renji was amazed at her body. "Well you go first," Cierra says calmly. Renji then proceeded to take off his underwear and then get into the shower. Renji stood under the water. Cierra then got in behind him. She then pressed her bare breasts against his back. His eyes bulged out of it's sockets as the feeling was best ever. "Oh, my god, why," he says as his face was blushing. "Do it feel good on your back," she says nonchalantly. Her voice was soothing. Renji then turned around. Suddenly he was shocked to see Cierra smiling much like Uriel typically does. "That same evil smile!" Renji says in his mind as he knows she got it from Uriel to tease Him. "DAMN YOU URIEL!!!!" Renji yells. "Are you ready babe," she says she puts on her jacket once more. Renji was busy combing his hair. "Trying to fix my hair," he says as he's adjusting his curls. "How do you like my look, love," he says curiously. "Perfect," she remarks before changing the subject. "It's thirty five degrees out," Cierra says as she glances at the weather app on her phone. Renji then zipped up his coat and adjusted the fur on his coat around the neck area. "I'll call a taxi while you do that," Cierra vocalizes as she presses buttons before putting the phone up to her ear. After a few minutes the two had been standing there. "What are your parents like?" Renji asks and he looks down at his girlfriend. "Mostly nice," Cierra responds. "We will see about that," he whispers to himself. "Would you ever move away from me," Renji suddenly mutters worryingly. Cierra was confused. "No, why would I ever do that, I want to marry you," Cierra blurts out. Renji then looked up at her as the word marry echoed in his ears. "No way, this can't be!" Renji thought in his mind. The two were blushing. "Will you marry me?," Cierra proposes. "Ain't I suppose to ask you that," Renji responds with a chuckle. "But yes!," he answers with no hesitation. The couple had a huge hug. "As a kid, why did you love me," Renji asks as he moved a few inches from her. "You don't remember much do you," she says as she looks away. "Our family used to be friends," she remarks before remembering all that happened. Renji's father was talking to Cierra's. We were six when we met and we talked everyday," the Older Cierra reminds Renji. "I even said sorry after I mentioned the house fire in the middle of class," she says. The young Cierra walked towards the young Renji as he was sitting down in the grass on the playground. "Don't you have to be home soon," young Renji asks as he looks back at the little girl behind him. "I'm sorry about class," the little girl says as she had a saddened look on her face. "Everyone died, everyday I'm alone," Renji explains to her. "But i'm here," the young Cierra remarks. "You won't be here forever," Renji notes. The little girl sat behind him and leaned on his back. "Yeah i will, forever," the young girl blurts out happily. "Cierra closed her eyes," Renji tells her. She closed them immediately. Renji then grabbed a flower next to them. He then placed the flower in her hair. The little girl opened her eyes. "Yay!" the little girl says with a chuckle. "Perfect," the little boy responds. The little girl hugged the young boy. The two were happy. "When we are adults, i want to get married to you," Cierra says with a burst of emotions. Uhhhh, meaning?" the young boy questions. "It's when two people love each other and then they live with each other, just like parents do, and they are together forever," Cierra explains to the young boy. "Renji liked the idea. "Sure i'll marry you," Renji says with a grin. Later that night, the young Cierra brung Renji to his house. "Daddy, i want to marry Renji," she says with a happy expression. The man with thick eyebrows with grey hair that swayed to the side had stood there in shock. "I'm sorry but that can't happen," the father casually mentions. "Wait, why not!?" She replies with her happy expression disappearing. "Because of reasons now go to your room!," the father sternly demands. Renji stood there in silence. "I hate you!" the young girl shouts with tears. "Now you boy, go home or whatever is not burnt to the ground," the man says to Renji. Renji's eyes widened with anger. He gritted his teeth before going for a response. In present day, Cierra explained all she remembered. "So that's what happened," Renji says in a soft tone. "Yeah," she replies awkwardly. "I'm sorry i never knew what love was," Renji says as he rubs Cierra's cheek. A honk was heard from outside the house. "Well it's time to go," he remarks before moving to the front door. Cierra and Renji took the taxi til they eventually arrived outside an abandoned looking house. The glass was cracked along with parts of the brick that made up the side of the house. "Well this is it," Renji says happily as he holds Cierra's hand. The two smiled at each other and then faced the house. "Let time hold us together forever," the two say in sync. With their love together, with their soul as one, they loved each other and needed each other. It was now a turning point. With the two wrapped up in their love, Renji failed to notice his watch had a new crack on it that went across the screen. Renji was used to time traveling over time, if it was to save Cierra or for basic normal tasks or even if he simply forgot something or if it were to simply take away a mess up in a video game. The watch was now slightly damaged. He was slowlying being punished for abusing such power.

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