Chapter 19

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With Renji clicking the button, he had traveled as far back as he could. To the specific day. An ordinary day for others but it was the day he met Cierra. Renji awoke in his bed that morning. "Why," he thought to himself. "Well i'm here again," he says to himself as he sits up. He glances over to the side of the bed the girl he loved once laid. She was missing. Renji made his way downstairs for breakfast. Renji took the broken watch off of his wrist. "Oh yeah," he mutters to himself. He then took his foot and stomped on the watch, completely breaking it with sparks all over. "Time should stop for a minute to fix itself as if I never had it to begin with," he utters to himself. Renji then took his routine shower and prepared for school.

This love story is nothing more than

A tragedy

Renji found himself at the bus stop waiting for it's usual time. A brown skinned beautiful girl with brown hair wearing a pink shirt arrived at the bus stop as well. It was Cierra. The girl glances over at Renji. The boy said nothing. "I hate myself, I can't do anything he says in his mind. The two got on the bus and sat next to each other. "What's your name?" the feminine voice asks from the side. Renji looked back at Cierra and stayed silent. "Oh sorry for talking," the girl says sadly. Renji and the others got off the bus and were at the entrance of the school. Uriel was standing and waiting for him. "Hey man," Uriel says happily. Renji stopped his movements and looked up at his best friend in front of him. "I know it's hard," Uriel says to reassure Renji. "You don't know how I feel," he responds coldly. Later that day, Renji and Uriel were sitting at the lunch table. The same event of Cierra getting smacked for spilling food on the girls shirt played out. Renji cringed as he couldn't move. As events played out, Renji was walking home after school. He then passed by the homeless man. "Hey there kid, want a magic watch," the man says creepily. Renji grabs the watch from the man's hands and drops it to the ground before stepping on it and breaking it. "Don't care," Renji says, not paying attention. "What is your problem!" the man says angrily. "It was a free watch that allows you to time travel!" the weird man explains. Renji glanced back with an angry expression of deep hatred and then kept moving. Renji made his way home. Later it was raining. The house was silent. The tv, the refrigerator, no music, nothing. Renji sat in his chair beside the window. "Cierra is walking to the store now," he says to himself as the tanned girl walks past. "And now she will be shot in thirty seconds," he mumbles while looking to the floor. After a moment, a gunshot echoed throughout the neighborhood. Renji cringed and grabbed his arms tightly. "I don't have my powers anymore, I can't save her," he says to himself. The crime was eventually reported with police and ambulance coming to get the body. Renji had gone outside to look at the corpse. Cierra was on the ground lifeless with a bullet in her head. Renji looked down at her with sadness. "Goodnight Cierra," he whispers before leaving. "A young woman named Cierra was recently shot, investigators are looking into the case but we have found a suspect," the news man said looking into the camera. Renji laid back into this chair and sighed.

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