Deadly Hovers

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Chapter 6- Deadly Hovers

My eyes switched between Ash and Marissa as they stood staring at each other. Marissa had a small smile on her face but she also seemed slightly uneasy. Ash on the other hand... I'd never seen him look so angry. He looked beyond pissed by her surprise visit and I, being the extremely nosey person I was, wanted to find out why.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to hear anything because as Marissa was about to speak, Ash grabbed her hand and pulled her away. He even slammed the door in my face which usually would have angered me, but I could see Ash had a lot of things on his mind. I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed that I didn't get to find out more about this Marissa girl but I now knew one thing. Marissa had definitely done something awful to make Ash that angry.

I made my way upstairs and decided to start painting as I had nothing better to do with my life. I changed into an old oversized t-shirt that stopped mid thigh and grabbed my ipod. After turning on my speakers and blasting out some rock music, I got to work on the room. I would show Ash how awesome my painting skills were.

As I carefully started to work on the first wall, I began to think of Ash's past.

He must have been doing something with his life before he arrived here, but what was it? I had never asked him as I'd assumed it was touchy subject. I also found it difficult to understand why his mother would just abandon him like that. What kind of person does that?

Painting was an extremely tiring activity and after fifteen minutes I had only gotten through half a wall. I decided it was time for a break, so I just collapsed on the floor covered in newspaper. I didn't even bother moving to the bed as I was too exhausted. I decided I was just going to take a fifteen minute nap and then get back to work. I soon drifted off to the sound of heavy metal blasting out of the speakers.

When my eyes opened after my short nap, all I saw was darkness. I also realised that I was no longer lying on the hard floor but on a bed instead. Glancing at the digital clock, I realised I had been sleeping for four hours. Okay, now I was confused. I moved closer to the warmth pressed against my back.

Wait what...

There was an arm wrapped around my waist.

I could feel someone's breath on my neck...

I panicked. What if it was a creepy rapist who was going to kill me! I started moving away but the arms around my waist tightened and pulled me closer.


I froze. That voice... it was Ash's. It was more of a question rather than a command. I wanted to know what had happened between him and Marissa but I knew, now wasn't the time. He just needed someone to stay with him.

I snuggled closer into his arms. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered.

Then something even more unexpected happened. I felt him move as he leant over and gently kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Dotty."

A small smile emerged on my face as I drifted back to sleep.


I woke up feeling cold. I realised that Ash no longer had a death grip on me. Okay... maybe it wasn't a death grip but he did hold me pretty tightly. I sat up and let out a yawn.

Last night was... I didn't know what to think.

I had never seen Ash seem so vulnerable. I didn't have it in my heart to leave him when he asked me to stay. I knew he didn't specifically want me to be with him, he just needed someone to stay with him and I was the only one there.

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