Die Jerk

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Chapter 2

"DIE JERK, DIE," I yelled and continued to strangle the jerk to death. "DIE. DIE. DIE." I was too busy trying to kill the thief, so I didn't hear footsteps come down the stairs.

"What in the world is going on here?" Jack's voice said from behind me.

Damn, I got caught. I loosened my grip around Ash's neck and sent him an 'I'll get you next time' glare. To my frustration he just smirked back at me and continued to eat my pancake. Oh that son of a-

"Well..." He said, waiting for an explanation.

I turned to face my angry looking step father. "Dotty, would you like to explain to me why you are threatening, no sorry wrong word, trying to kill my brother?" I looked up at the ceiling. Great now I'm going to get punished because of this jerk. "I'm, waiting..."

I pointed an accusing finger at an amused looking Ash. "He stole my pancakes," I snapped angrily. "Nobody eats my food and gets away with it." I had woken up especially early to make my pancakes. I had left them on the living room table as I went to the bathroom. As soon as I came back, I found this jackass eating my scrumptious, mouth-watering pancakes.

"Is she on medication or something?" Ash commented.

There was I thinking that Jack was going to give him a good scolding for his snarky comment, it caught me by surprise when he chuckled. CHUCKLED. Why was everyone against me these days?

"That's what her mum tells people."

My glare was now focused on Jack. He just ruffled my hair and started to walk out the room. "Dotty learn to share, and try not to kill my brother."

Unbelievable. Does no one care about my pain? After Jack left, I came up with a cunning plan.

"Go ahead. Eat it," I said with a smirk on my face.

"What are you up to Dotty?" he asked suspiciously. I replied by turning around and grabbing the bottle of maple syrup on the table. Muahaha. My evil plan is in motion.

"You probably want maple syrup to go with that?"

He eyed the half full bottle and started dribbling... Okay maybe he wasn't dribbling but in a few seconds he would be because maple syrup is just magical. Before he could even beg for the bottle, I took off the lid and proceeded to down it down my throat. After a minute or so, I finally drank the last drop of the sugary heaven. I smirked and looked at Ash whose eyes were wide with shock.

"Sorry man, it seems that we're out of maple syrup." There was a long silent pause where Ash continued to stare at me in shock. It sure did surprise me when his shocked face changed into an amused face and he proceeded to eat my pancake. That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for.

"Well played, it's too bad I hate maple syrup."

As soon as he said those words I let out a very loud burp and stuck my middle finger up at him.

"Classy," Ash said with an amused grin on his face. "You are officially the strangest girl I've ever met."

Who's he calling strange, he's the one that doesn't like maple syrup. It's a fact that pancakes have to be eaten with maple syrup; otherwise it's just like eating bread. I was going to set this guy straight cause he was really beginning to get on my nerves.

"Look, Ashton," I started but was rudely cut off.

"It's Ash."

"Okay Asher."

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