A Familiar Face

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It had been a two weeks since Ash had been here and I had gotten pretty used to him living with us now. I wouldn't call us friends just yet but we had our own weird friendship going on. I got bored often so Ash was my source of entertainment when he was at home.

It was fun to continuously bug him by waltzing into his room unannounced. I had been doing that since the day he had caught me in his room.

I was currently incredibly bored as it was Saturday and Sam was visiting his grandparents so I couldn't cure my boredom at his house. I jumped off my bed and wandered over to Ash's room.

I swung the door open. "Whazzup my brother from another mother?"

He glanced up from his desk as I walked in and made myself comfortable on his bed.

He sighed. "What now?"

"I'm bored," I replied, staring up at the ceiling.

"Not my problem," he said with his back still towards me.

I smiled at his clear annoyance of my presence. He had gotten used to my random visits but that didn't mean he enjoyed them. I looked around his room and noticed he still hadn't unpacked and the room still looked dull as ever. I stood up from his bed and propped up onto his desk so I was facing him.

"Your room's as dull as a black dot," I stated.

He looked up at me and laughed. "Maybe I like black dots."

I smiled. "No you don't, you're just a lazy ass who can't be bothered to unpack his crap"

He poked me in the stomach. "Well maybe I like being a lazy ass."

I rubbed my stomach and inspected his room for another second. I suddenly lit up. "I have an awesome idea!"

Ash frowned. "Should I be worried?"

I ignored him and jumped up in excitement. "Let's paint your room!"

He stared at me blankly. "Boy, you must be really bored?"

"Come on, it'll be fun." At this current mument, painting seemed like the most exciting thing in the world.

"Painting a wall is considered fun to you?"

I glared at him. "Yes, painting walls has always been a passion of mine."

"Okay then," he said flatly.

"You're just jealous of my painting skills."

"Yeah, cause it's so extremely difficult to paint a wall," he said sarcastically.

He didn't know a thing about painting. It took the right amount of pressure on the brush, precision and delicacy. Painting a wall required large amounts of skills that only certain people can do correctly. It's true; I read about it... somewhere.

"Fine, mock all you want but please let me paint your room?" I pleaded.


"Why not?" I argued.

"Because you're a girl and you'll paint my room pink."

I raised an eyebrow. "Do I look like a kind of girl who likes pink?"

"Err... Dotty, look at what you're wearing."

What was he talking about? I looked down at what I wearing: a pair of boxer shorts and a tight, hot pink t-shirt with a giant heart on it. There's no way in hell I would own a t-shirt like this.

"This is Helena's t-shirt," I explained. "It must have got mixed up in the wash."

He didn't look convinced. "If you say so..."

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