Alien Invasion

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Chapter 10- Alien Invasion

"For the last time, I'm not apologizing to Katie," I argued with Sam as we pulled up outside Pamela's house. Apparently I had hurt Katie's feelings. I'm sorry, but if anyone's feelings should be hurt, it should be mine. She did after all destroy my face.

Sam turned off the ignition. "I thought you looked cute."

I glared at him. "I looked like an oompa loompa."

"A cute oompa loompa," he teased as we both got out the car.

I ignored him and walked ahead towards Pamela's ridiculously huge house. She was known for throwing the best parties; probably due to the fact that her father was a billionaire. I didn't think her parties were all that though. I'd much rather have a party in the forest with the squirrels and badgers.

Music was blasting out from the house, and it seemed the party was on full swing. Sam caught up with me, placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Tonight is the night Dotty, tonight is the night!"

I simply rolled my eyes and entered the house. I took a second to absorb everything in. There were drunken girls everywhere, dancing, making out, and throwing up. Looking away in disgust, I glanced around for familiar faces and finally my eyes landed on a curly haired guy. I turned to my side and realised that Sam had already wondered off, probably on a hunt for Pamela. So much for being his wingman.

I walked over to Adam, who was engrossed in conversation with some guy on the football team. He was facing away from me so I decided to surprise him. I jumped onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Guess who," I playfully whispered in his ear.

After he got over the initial shock he finally answered. "Hmm... I dunno, feels like some sort of monkey."

I smacked him on the head causing him to laugh. "Very funny." I said, jumping off his back.

He turned to face me. "Well you do sort of resemble a monkey."

I sent him a death glare and crossed my arms in frustration. "Yeah well, at least I don't look like a sloth."

"A Sloth... really?"

I nodded. "You have the same rapey face that sloths have."

"I don't even know what to say to that," he said, finally pulling me in for a hug. "Now let's get you a drink." He pulled me through the crowd of drunk teenagers into the kitchen. There was still a fairly large crowd in the kitchen as well but it was a lot less stuffy.

I ignored some of the dirty looks that some of the girls gave me. I vaguely recognized them to be some of Kelly's minions. Their lives must be so sad. I almost felt sorry for them.

I hopped up onto the kitchen counter as Adam passed me a beer. After the day I'd had, a beer was all I needed.

"So Adam, any girls you've got your eye on yet?" I asked, knocking back my beer.

"You know you're the only person I've got eyes for baby girl," he joked, grabbing my hand in some fake romantic gesture. "You're my soulmate, my one true love."

"Well I'm sorry to break it to you, but I only have eyes for this beer at the moment." I downed the rest of the beer and reached for another one.

Adam watched me in amusement. "We're not holding back are we?"

"Don't judge, my day has been beyond shit."

He wiggled his eyes suggestively. "Nothing a big old sloppy kiss from your lover won't help," he suggested, puckering his lips.

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