Love is a Battlefield

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English lessons were generally a bore and I was never one to participate willingly in lessons, which is why Sam looked at me in confusion when I raised my hand to answer Mr Mathews' question on how love is presented in Romeo and Juliet.

"Love is basically presented through two ridiculous teenagers who get hitched and bang as soon as they meet and both get unnecessarily emotional and overdramatic and die for absolutely no reason." I ignored Mr Mathews disapproving look and continued with my rant. "Basically, his message is don't fall in love or you'll have sex and die. Love is just life's enemy." I finally let out a breath after speaking at a million miles per hour.

"What in the world...." I heard Sam whisper under his breath.

Mr Mathews looked utterly baffled and stuttered around trying to come up with a response. "Well...Err... that's probably the most cynical take on how Shakespeare presents love, I would urge you to rethink your answer when it comes to the test next week," he said giving me a stern look. "And Dotty please refrain from using terms like bang in your midterm paper, or you will be marked down." He should count himself lucky that I didn't use a more colorful term for the word bang.

Once Mr Mathews turned to write something on the board, Sam leant over towards me. "Who peed in your cheerios?" he asked in amusement.

I scoffed. "I just think whoever invented love is a complete moron and deserves to burn in hell for eternity." Okay...maybe I've become a bit too cynical. I had been up all evening thinking about being in love with Ash and it had made me cranky this morning. On the way back from the concert I had barely said a word to Mason as every time I looked at him I was consumed with guilt.

Why is love so inconvenient. I had a strapping young lad wanting to be with me even when he has moved across the country, yet my heart is being yanked over by a certain red head. Ash was my forbidden fruit; that juicy sweet red apple that I would do anything to take a bite out of. After the concert had finished it pained me to let go of Ash and see him back in the arms of Marissa, knowing full well we could never be together.

If this is what love feels like, please someone turn me into a rock.

I felt Sam's hand on me. "You feeling okay Dot?"

I looked up at him with sad eyes. "I'm fine Sammy, it just angers me at the pure stupidity of Romeo and Juliet are." Not being able to talk to my best friend about my problems was becoming more and more difficult.

Sam gave me a serious look. "Love is a battlefield. People die Dotty, people die...." I snorted back laughter and nodded in agreement with him.

After English, me and Sam headed to get some lunch. I had been dreading lunch all day as now was the time to have the chat with Mason. It was not fair, stringing him along, when my feelings for Ash were not going away anytime soon. Why did Mason have to be one of the kindest souls, it made breaking up with him 100 times harder.

"Err Dotty..." Sam waved a hand in front of me. "You've gone pale, what's up with you today?"

I sighed. "I'm breaking up with Mason."

Sam's eyes widened in shock. "Like right now?" I nodded. "What! Why? Did he cheat?"

"No, of course not!"

"Is he gay?"


"Does he smell?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Sam, I'm breaking up with him because he smells like soot and poo," I said sarcastically.

Sam looked completely confused by my confession and I knew he was not going to let it go. "And you wonder why you're cynical about love, you're ending it with a guy who is practically made for you!"

"I can't help who I love, it's not just a switch you can turn on and off." I glared at him in annoyance, not realizing what I had just admitted.

His eyes widened. "Who the hell are you in love with?"

I looked down at the floor and felt my body heat up in panic. "No one, just leave it."

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Dorothy Eloise, tell me who you're in love with right this second, or so help me god I will smack you."

I could feel it coming. Word vomit. "Ash! I'm in love with Ash.... there are you happy now." I almost felt relieved that I had finally admitted it to someone. I peered up at Sam to see his reaction but he was looking at something behind me.

My heart dropped when I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "Thanks for not letting me know."

I turned to meet Mason's cold stare. "Mason... I can explain," I pleaded.

"I'm gonna stop you there. I don't want to hear about your incestuous relationship with your fucking uncle. Save it for your therapist, your head is messed up." I had never seen Mason switch like this and it pained me to know I made him this way.

"He's not my uncle and we've stopped, I know it's wrong, but I can't help how I feel." Tears began to form in my eyes as Mason ignored my pleas and started to walk away. I was about to storm off after him but Sam held me back.

"Let him cool down Dot... anything he says now isn't going to be pretty." Sam wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. "Why didn't you tell me girl?"

I cried softly into his chest. "Because it was a mistake. It should never have happened."

"Put any horny young girl in a house with an attractive tattooed red head and see what happens. You'd have to be a nun to not touch that sexy bod." Trust Sam to make me smile in this horrendous ordeal.

"It's like putting out a peanut butter slice of cheesecake and being told you're not allowed to eat it. I'm going to bloody devour it, I have no willpower Sam," I cried.

"There's no point beating yourself up over spilt milk, just clean it up and throw Ash in the bin." I lived for Sam's wise metaphors, they always managed to steer me in the right direction.

I took a deep breath and transformed from sad to determined.

Love is a battlefield, defeat it or be destroyed.

A/N: woo another chapter and it hasn't been a year, someone five me a peanut butter medal pls!!! currently got a deadline for my thesis looming but still managed to squeeze a chapter in (ultimate procrastination), just gonna post and edit later, so sorry if it's a bit off a mess. Just writing from the soul.

Peace out bitches xxx

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