I'm a Rebel

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There were several reasons why school seriously sucked and detention was one of them. I mean the amount of detentions I had received for no apparent reason was horrendous. As if the hours already spent in school weren't enough, they wanted us to spend an extra hour in the dump. Now that my rant about detentions is finished, I should probably explain why I was sitting in detention, drawing chickens on my hand.

So lunch break had just finished and I was sitting in my last period, next to Sam. My obese maths teacher that everyone likes to mock walked in with mustard on his chin. For the first five minutes into class, no one bothered to tell him about the mustard and instead sat there laughing. I decided to put the poor guy out of his misery; being the fantastic student who did the right thing.

I raised my hand. "Mr Harris?" he stopped talking and looked over at me. "You have a bit of mustard on your chin." I could have stopped there but when he tried to wipe it off, I said without thinking, "No, your other chin."

And that's how I found myself wasting yet another hour in detention, listening to the loud snoring of the supervisor. That's what I got for trying to help a teacher out. Sam couldn't stop laughing at me through out the rest of class and I was actually glad I didn't have to ride home with him today. The boy loves to mock me.

I was in the middle of drawing the beak for my third chicken when a deep voice interrupted me.

"Do you live on a farm or something?"

"No." I didn't bother looking up and continued to scribble on my hand.

I heard him get into the seat beside me. "Then what's with all the chickens?"

I glanced to the left of me and took in the guy's appearance. He was sort of cute with his brown curls and chocolate coloured eyes. He was leaning back on his chair with a smile on his face. I looked back down at my chickens and then back at him. "Well you see, it's always been a dream of mine to work at KFC," I said flatly. The guy wasn't familiar so I assumed he was new here.

"You're funny," he said with a smile. "My name's Adam."

"That's nice." I knew he expected me to give him my name but I was in too much of a bad mood to do so. There was a long pause, and I thought he finally gave up trying to make conversation.

"Can I have your name?"

Or not.

"Why? I thought you already had a name." I glanced at the clock. Only fifty five minutes, till I'm free. HOORAY. My attention went back to Adam.

"Wow, you really don't like me?" he said with a smirk.

I sighed. "Sorry dude, I'm just in a pissy mood." I slumped down on to the table and turned my head to the side and looked at him. "I hate detentions."

"It's my first day here and I've already earned myself a detention."

Who get's a detention on their first day? "Did you get caught dealing drugs?" I asked bluntly.

He laughed and shook his head. "I don't do drugs. Do you?"

"Yes," I replied, causing him to frown. "I'm addicted to coffee." I could not live without drinking a cup of Coffee a day. I just didn't programme without it.

His frown turned back into a smile and he breathed a sigh of relief. "You scared me there; I thought I had no chance with you."

I scoffed. "You still don't." It wasn't as if I didn't date. I just didn't date very often as most of the guys were out for only one thing. TO STEAL MY SOCKS! That has actually happened to me before. When I was fifteen I broke up with a guy and the next day, SHEZAM! My favourite sponge bob socks had disappeared off the face of earth.

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