Dotty is a ninja

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recap: Marissa spied on Ash and Dotty and has a picture of them that she is using as blackmail to keep them apart and keep Ash with her. Ash and Dotty had to end their relationship despite still wanting to jump each other's bones, so its all just a really big mess. Now Dotty, Mason, Ash and Marissa are all going to a rock concert, how will Dotty cope....

"What is the Foals?" Marissa's whiny voice asked from the back of the car. I almost turned around and whacked her over the head.

I had to correct her. "It's not the Foals, its just Foals you moron,". Mason, who was driving, gave me a disapproving look. Since when did he take Marissa's side?

"Well excuse me for only listening to real music..."

I scoffed. "I'd love to hear what you count as real music?" If she said Justin Bieber I would literally shove her out this car.

Ash interjected, "Her taste in music could probably be used as a torture device to be honest." BUUUUUURN!

I snorted with laughter as Marissa huffed in annoyance. "Ash is just a music snob, currently at the top artists that make my body tingle are, Little Mix and Fifth Harmony."

Me and mason looked at in each other in amusement. Did she seriously just say make my body tingle? This girl was just getting cringier by the minute. I hadn't heard of Fifth Harmony but the name says it all. If you're going to pick a band name you have to pick something unique and interesting, like a baby horse. I faked squealed, "Omg little mix, why they're my all time fave gal band of the century!" Sarcasm oozed from my voice. "If you like Little Mix then you're gonna love Foals, they're practically the same. In fact I think Little Mix might even be the support act."

Marissa being the gullible idiot she is squealed in excitement. "Oh my god really?! I'm so excited! This would be the fifth time seeing them," she exclaimed.

"Oh my..." I heard Ash say.

Mason and I exchanged looks again; both shocked by her inability to understand sarcasm. "Why don't I play a bit of Foals now to get us in the mood?" Mason suggested.

By the time we got to the concert venue, Marissa had finally caught on that there was zero resemblance between Foals and Little Mix. We all had to endure her insistent whining the whole way here. We all got out the car and started walking but Mason pulled me back as Marissa and Ash walked off ahead. I gave him a questioning look.

"Maybe lay of Marissa just a bit." Mason say what now?

"And why in the world would I want to do that. That girl is the single most annoying thing on this planet. More annoying than opening a jar of peanut butter to discover its empty!" The amount of times that has happened to me is shocking.

"Yeah there's no argument there, but she's Ash's girlfriend and she clearly means a lot to him, so I think it's kind of unfair on him." Means a lot to him... if only he knew.

"Since when did you turn into Jesus?" I asked in annoyance.


"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." That was pretty much the only line I knew from the bible.

"Dotty you're talking nonsense again." It always happened when I was extremely annoyed at someone. Who was he to tell me off for being rude to Marissa? It's not as if she was an angel who had never said a bad word to me.

I ignored Mason and ran ahead. "Hey guys wait up." I couldn't careless about Mason's opinion and had no desire of debating it. Ash gave me a small smile as I caught up with them.

"Lovers tiff?" Ash asked.

"Nah, I'm just so pumped to get in!" I lied. Marissa was on the phone to someone yapping away, so Ash and I could have a proper conversation.

"Its gonna be pure bliss when they play Spanish Sahara." Ash smiled widely.

"Mate, I just might melt into a pool of goo," I said dreamily.

Ash laughed. "If you do, I'll be sure to scoop you up in to a jar and hurtle you onto stage if you do."

I placed a hand to my heart and lovingly looked up him. "That's true friendship right there."

Maybe this friends thing could work.


My heart began to pound as the lights dimmed and the surrounding screams grew louder. The gentle sound of a guitar hit my ears and I felt my knees begin to wobble. There was something about seeing a band live that melted my heart, my soul, my body.

"You're drooling." Ash's whisper in my ear snapped me out of my trance. I peered up at him in glee and childishly stuck my tongue out before turning my full attention to the love of my life on stage. I could feel the excitement of the crowd building up as the song began to build up in tempo.

The chorus hit and the crowd went mental, me included. I was so involved with moshing around the place that I didn't even look to see where Ash, Mason and Marissa were. Before I knew it, I was a significant distance away from my original position and was surrounded by strangers. I was too busy singing along with the love of my life to care that I'd lost everyone, and proceeded to jump up and down like a maniac.

I heard a mutter in my ear and turned expecting it to be Ash or Mason. Instead it was a sweaty beefy looking guy with a creepy smile on his face. Was he seriously trying to start a conversation in the middle of a rock concert. I gave him a confused look, shrugged my shoulders and focused my attention back on stage.

Unfortunately, this guy did not get the message. Once again, I was rudely interrupted by his gross mutter in my ear. "You're so sexy." Just when I thought this situation could not get any worse, his huge arm wrapped around my waist, and pulled me toward his body which reeked of alcohol.

This guy had chosen to mess with the wrong girl. Dotty has moves. Dotty is a ninja. Dotty can karate chop this guy back to the disgusting smelly pit he came from. I had to take a few moments to figure out the right angle I needed to be in to flip him over my body, pin him down, and knee him in the groin.

Before I could put my battle plan into motion, I felt another pair of arms wrap around me and yank me out of the creep's arm. I recognised Ash's musky cologne before even having to look up. I can't lie, I was a tad disappointed that I did not get to show off my ninja moves but being in Ash arms again was not all too bad.

I noticed that Ash was on his own and Mason and Marissa were nowhere to be seen. It shocked me when I looked up and saw a murderous look in Ash's eyes and I knew if I didn't calm him down, the police were going to be taking my witness statement into the death of a creepy drunk dude. I grabbed Ash's face and pulled him close "Look at me Ash, I'm completely fine. You've got me." I rubbed his cheek gently to sooth him. "Come with me, let's get to the front." With his arms wrapped firmly around me, I led him into the crowd.

We settled in a good spot and I leant back against him as he squeezed me closer. His lips touched against my ears and I heard him mutter, "I won't let anyone touch you, you're mine."

It was in that moment as I stood there in his arms, listening to my favourite band, that I realised...

I was in love with Ash.

A/N: Hi all, so you probably want to kill me for not updating in years. I have been at uni for the past four years doing an engineering degree which has been stressful but that's still no excuse for not updating at all. I have a problem with not getting things done and this year I'm trying my hardest to change that. I have a problem with wanting things to be perfect and every time I began writing this chapter I just saw it as not good enough and would give up until I eventually forgot about this book. After coming back and reading all your amazing comments and the support I got for this book, I've been feeling extremely guilty. So today I sat down and just wrote, I've decided that even if it's a short chapter its okay, as long as keep the chapters coming!


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