My Milkshake

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"What kind of psychotic bitch stands outside someone's bedroom taking photos of them?" I exclaimed in disbelief. For how long has this crazy freak been stalking me? She could have been there for months just lurking outside in the dark. This girl took crazy to a whole other level.

My breath grew short as I started to panic. Ash began rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to calm me down. "I'm certain she's off her meds."

I stood abruptly. "I'm gonna kill her." I began marching off like I was on a mission. "I am gonna strangle that bat shit crazy bitch in her sleep."

I was rendered motionless when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. "I can't let you do that Dotty." It was as if one touch from Ash made most of my anger just disappear. That didn't mean I didn't still want to kill the girl.

"And why the hell not?" I unconsciously leant back and his arms automatically tightened around me. I wasn't putting up a fight or anything but he didn't loosen his grip...not that I was complaining.

"One message to Jack can destroy this family." He turned me around but his arms remained around me. "There's a reason I never told you about the picture. I knew you would react this way and I knew you'd want to confront her."

"You didn't even give me a chance. Instead you made me feel like nothing." I avoided his gaze not wanting to see the guilt in his eyes.

"And what would you have done if I had told you?"

I paused and thought for a second until an idea popped into my head. "I would have helped you come up with a plan to get rid of Marissa for good." It was a pretty foolproof plan if you asked me. Marissa would be gone and Ash and me would be free to continue jumping each other's bones.

Ash smirked. "Isn't killing her a bit excessive?"

"I never said anything about killing her, we would just kidnap her and lock her in the basement." Did I Ash think I was some sort of monster or something? I would obviously slide food through the floorboards and provide her with a bucket.

Ash laughed and ruffled my head. "You are just full of brilliant ideas today."

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm."

"All jokes aside, there was no way we could have continued."

I knew Ash was right but I did not want to accept it. "We can continue in secret?" I pulled him closer and sent him a pleading look.

He rubbed the back of my neck and looked down at my lips. I knew he wanted to kiss me and it took all of my power not to lean up and taste those lips once again. It had been too long. "Wasn't that already what we doing?" His hands began playing with my hair.

I dropped his gaze and buried my head into his chest. I was running out of ideas. In every scenario I came up with, Jack always ended up finding out. There was no way of hiding it from Marissa. She was everywhere. She was like one of Ash's ghosts from his past coming to haunt us. I could imagine her hiding in my closet, watching us through the peephole.

I breathed a sigh of frustration. "Why did Marissa have to come and poop on my parade?"

He rested his chin on my head. "I wish I'd never met her."

"I can't believe I thought you were in love with her all this time. I should have given you more credit."

He groaned. "No way would I choose to every be with that girl again. I hate hows she's managed to weasel her way back into my life."

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