Final day

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I groaned when I saw Marissa stepping out of the door as I reached my house. School had finally finished and all I wanted to do was get home and keep my mind distracted from this horrible day by watching some gory horror films. I was not in the mood to start a cat fight with this she-devil so I looked down and tried walking past her. Unfortunately, she bypassed me and blocked my way.

"What... no hello, where are your manners hun?"

I scowled. "I'm not your hun, now please move out of my way before I kick you." My insults were poor today but I was in no mood.

"I'm so happy I'm not going to have to hear the vulgar words that come out of your nasty mouth ever again," she said with a smirk.

"Oh my god, have my prayers finally been answered?" I exclaimed in delight. "Is your itty-bitty ass finally leaving?"

Then it hit me, she would not go anywhere without Ash.

"Didn't you hear? Ash has been offered a dream photography job in America, we're leaving tomorrow."

My heart dropped and my whole body turned cold. Ash was leaving.

"Anyway, must dash, toodles." Marissa brushed passed me leaving me stood frozen at the doorway. I soon noticed a set of blue eyes staring at me from inside.

Ash looked distressed. "Dotty come 'ere," he said softly, holding out his hand. I followed his instructions and walked over to him, grabbing his hand tightly. No words were exchanged between us as he led us upstairs into his bedroom. After locking the door he sat on his bed and pulled me in between his legs, his eyes were glued to me. "I don't want to leave you," he uttered, running a hand through my black curls.

My eyes diverted away from him as I felt tears forming. "Then don't."

"You know it's not that simple princess." He sighed, pulling me in closer. "Watching you with Mason fucking kills me Dotty, the thought of any guy's hand on you kills me."

Should I tell him Mason and I broke up, would it change anything? We still couldn't be together. We would still be miserable. "Seeing Marissa's slimy fingers over you makes my skin crawl."

"This whole situation, living together and not being able to touch each other is making us miserable." His words hurt but they were the truth. "I've known it for a while, but just couldn't face not seeing your beautiful face every day," he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "I'm happy you've met Mason, as much as it pains me, you deserve a guy you can take out in public and introduce to your parents." Pain filled his eyes causing me to reach out and stroke the side of his face.

"Why America though, why not bloody Scotland. That's half way across the fucking world," I complained. "You won't be able to drink tea and see the queen anymore, is that what you really want Ash? Is it!" My outburst put a smile on his face.

"The only thing I'm gonna miss is a certain crazy tiny human."

I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Crazy tiny human... whoever could that be?"

He grabbed a tuff of hair. "Oh you know, the tiny human with the messy tangled black hair and large googly grey eyes." Ash really did have a way with words.

"Hey, my eyes aren't googly eyes, they're silver jems," I fluttered my eyelashes. Joking around did not get rid of the sick feeling in my stomach. I didn't know how I was going to cope in his absence. As much as he has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster, I had never felt for anyone the way I felt for him. My eyes began to well up and a single tear fell down my cheek.

He wiped my tear away and kissed me slowly. "Dotty..." he said in between kisses, moving down my neck. "Spend the night with me."

I pulled away and stared at him intensely. "I'm not going anywhere." My lips smashed down against his and he flipped me onto the bed so he was above me. Wrapping my legs around him I pulled his hard body close to me. As his hands crept under my shirt I felt my whole-body shiver. The build-up of sexual tension between us over these past few months had been almost unbearable, I was more than ready at this point.

He slowly lifted up my shirt and pulled it over my head. "God, you're unreal," he said peering down at me in awe.

I blushed. "You're kidding, right? I've got the chest of a 14-year-old fat boy with moobs."

He laughed can kissed me. "You're perfect, idiot."

Those three words caused me to rip off his shirt as if it was my mission. I stroked his beautiful tattoos. This was the first time I really got to study them. I liked the fact that they were all black and the shading was done beautifully. There was a large array of different tattoos from snakes to flowers but one tattoo right on his hip bone really caught my eye. "Am I seeing things, or is that a jar of peanut butter?" I said, laying on top of him.

He laughed. "I was young and reckless." He pulled my face close to his. "But I don't regret it for a second."

"And here was I thinking I couldn't love you anymore." I smiled brightly not realising what I had just blurted out.

His eyes widened. "You love me?"

Blushing profusely, I buried my face in his chest. "Maybe, possibly, I dunno... it's not a big deal," I mumbled around trying to find the right words.

"Dotty look at me."

I shook my head in protest.

"Dotty... please look at me."

I slowly raised my head and peered at his face which was consumed with emotion. I couldn't read him. He probably just pitied me, the seventeen-year-old kid thinking she was in love. Why did I have to go and open my big mouth, he could have left without ever finding out.

"You have no idea how I feel about you do you?"

I shook my head.

"Dotty you've consumed my every thought for months now." He breathed heavily. "I've been  completely in love with you for god knows how long now."

My heart stopped and a smile stretched across my face. He loved me, he really loved me. This had to be a dream. "Pinky promise?" I waved my pinky in front of his face. I know it was childish but this whole situation did not feel real I needed some reassurance.

He smiled and linked his pinky with mine. "You're the strangest most random tiny human I have ever met and I love every inch of you." Every time he uttered that four-lettered words my whole body did internal cartwheels. I smashed my lips against his and immediately slipped my tongue in his mouth, kissing him deeply.

As the kiss began to get more passionate a thought crossed my mind and I sprung off him. "Where are my parents?"

"Really Dotty, I'm doing some of my best work and you're thinking about your parents?"

"I'm serious, I'm about to get naked, frisky and show you a good time, something I'd prefer to not have my mum and Jack witness."

He chuckled and yanked me back on top of him. "Oh you're gonna show me a good time, I'm intrigued now."

I smacked his head. "Ash!"

"They're out and not back for ages, now please get naked and frisky."

"Your wish is my command good sir," I whispered before yanking off my bra.

Let's just say I rocked his bloody world. 


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