Poop Pistols

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Chapter 14- Poop Pistols

 There are only certain things that angered me, as I was usually quite a calm person. If there was one thing I couldn't stand though, it was people taking what belonged to me. Which is why my blood was boiling at the sight of Ash spreading my peanut butter on a piece of toast.

After our heated encounter yesterday, I hadn't said a word to him all weekend. We had simply been avoiding each other like the plague. It wasn't that difficult though as he was only ever in two places. His room, or out with Marissa (I'm assuming). I was quite happy to keep ignoring each other however I just couldn't let this go.

 That was my peanut butter. No one takes my peanut butter. EVER.

 Ash had yet to notice me by the door, so I stomped forward. "What do you think you're doing?"

 He glanced up at me with a bored expression. "Eating." He once again took another dollop of peanut butter that only angered me further.

 "That peanut butter belongs to me!" I hissed.

 He picked up the peanut butter and examined it. "Nope, I can't see your name anywhere."

 "That's because everyone in this house knows it's mine. You should really know the rules before you decide to live here."

 Ash chuckled. "You're telling me, there's a rule about not eating your peanut butter."

 I nodded with a serious expression. "Of course there is, there are also rules for numerous other food items in this house as well. I'll be happy to write you a list."

 "Did you buy this peanut butter?"

 I sighed angrily. "Well no but-"

 "Then it's not yours," he stated with a smug look, talking a bite out of his toast.

 I couldn't believe I had cried over this guy. He was the most infuriating ass I had ever met and what's worse was that he thought it was okay to steal my food. Well I was going to wipe that smug look right off his face.

 Before he could take another bite out of his toast, I grabbed it out of his hand and licked the entire peanut butter covered side. It was so heavenly that I had trouble removing it from my tongue. I wanted to lick it all day long. Mmmm peanut butter.

 But I wanted to see his face, so instead I dropped the piece back onto his plate. "Enjoy."

 I smiled and grabbed the jar of peanut butter. I got a spoon from the draw and began eating a spoonful, staring at him with an amused expression. "Aren't you gonna eat that?" I sniggered.

 He pushed the plate away from him. "Wouldn't want to catch anything."

 I glared at him and turned my attention back to my peanut butter. I really wanted to leave but I didn't want it to seem like he had power over me so instead we just sat there in silence.

 I could feel Ash's eyes on me but I refused to look at him.

 When I saw my mother walk in I breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn't take being alone in a room with him any longer.

 "Morning mummy," I greeted.

 She gave me a look as I never usually called her mummy. "Morning honey," she replied, rummaging around in the kitchen cupboards.

 "Oh yeah, you have to give me a lift today because I need to hand in my essay early." I was the queen of last minute homework. I had been told if I didn't give in my essay before the bell, I would get an F. Sadly I wasn't rebel enough to not give a damn.

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