Bad Choices

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My eyes widened. Marissa had cheated on him...

 The already low opinion I had of Marissa plummeted down even further. What kind of person does that? I felt the urge to go find the slut and punch her right in the face. Maybe knock out a few of her perfect teeth and break her ridiculously long legs. A few more disturbing ideas popped into my head and I realised I needed to control my violent thoughts. It really wasn't healthy. However I couldn't control my mouth.

"THAT GIRL IS A SLUT BAG WHORE FACED THUNDERCUNT." Maybe I'd gone a bit far but it was felt good to get that off my chest. I was worried that Ash may have been offended by my words, I mean, there was a chance he was still madly in love with lying cheating skank. I was surprised when instead; Ash had a small smile playing on his face. "What are you smiling at?"

That familiar smirk returned to his face. "You..." he reached out gently flicked my cheek. "You're so cute when you're all worked up."

I glared at him. "I wasn't all worked up. I was just being a concerned friend."

"I think calling someone a thundercunt classifies as being worked up Dotty." His smile slowly started to fade. "If you got that worked up for the first part of the story, I worried what will happen when I tell you the second part."

My eyes widened. "There's more!?" Wasn't the cheating enough, what more could this girl have done to Ash? I gave Ash a look of sympathy when he nodded his head.

"I had this red room, where all my photography and camera's were kept. Basically my whole career was in that room..." he paused for a second, clearly uneasy talking about the subject so I grabbed his hand. He gave me a blank look and continued. "She didn't take the break up very well, she claimed that I was the love of her life but I told her she was just one of the many models I used for my photography, and for a good time. I told her that I would just find another beautiful model to replace her."

"She believed you?" I asked.

"She did, which is probably what made her cover my photography room with gasoline and set fire to it." He'd said that so casually that it took me about five seconds to comprehend what he had just told me.

"Wait a minute... you let a crazy-ass fire burning psycho into our house!" What was he thinking; I could have been burned alive. Or even worse, My Oreos could have melted! "That crazy ass bitch should be locked up in jail, not roaming the streets looking for her next house to burn down," I snapped in panic. "I could be her next victim...I'm too young to die!"

Ash rolled his eyes. "Calm down Dotty, no one's burning you alive... I think."

My eyes widened. "You think... you think!" What kind of an answer is that, I would rather not take any chances. I could always just lock myself in the basement and just never come out for about 40 years. It could actually work, I just need to stock up on packets of Oreos and chicken and I'll be sorted. No one would actually be allowed in or out, but I'd still be able to hear the muffled voices of my family through the floorboards.

It's the perfect plan!

"Goodbye world," I muttered to myself.

"What are you going on about?" Ash asked in confusion.

I ignored his question. "Why is she back? Or better question, why isn't she locked up in prison?"

"She was..." Ash started, "Until she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder."

My eyes widened in shock. I wasn't expert or anything but I did know that it meant that you were either severely depressed or happy which was what would have caused Marissa to set his place on fire. I noticed the guilt spread across Ash's face. I then understood why.

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