They Actually Did It....

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"I can't believe they actually had sex..." Sebastian said, eyes slightly wide as he passed the popcorn to Undertaker.

Undertaker giggled breathily. "I can't believe they did it in a closet~! Hehehehehehehe~!"

Will shifted his glasses. "How you all found that story so pleasurable is beyond me." He said boredly. "And honestly, don't we have work to do?"

Claude looked at him. "Why miss a good show?" He asked.

Elizabeth started squeaking incoherently. "Omigod~!" She yelled. "Play it aGAIN!" She ordered, surprising herself and most of the others in the room with her.

"Please try and calm yourself, Ms. Midford." Sebastian and Claude said at the same time. "We must move on now, they'll probably end up doing it again, trust me."

Elizabeth nodded, hardly able to control her smile. "I can't believe he did that~" She closed her eyes as she squealed with joy.

Grell covered her ears at the sound. "Please tell me she's on the to-die-list..." She muttered to Will. When he only shook his head, she sighed. "Well then, would someone shut her trap?!"

"Be quiet, Grell, the next part is about to start." Will said quickly. He paused. "Not that I care, or anything of the sort..."

Grell smirked. "You ship them, Will, don't you?"

Will looked away. "J-just shut up and watch. The next part is starting."

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu