Who The Hell Is Snow White?

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Ciel groaned as he rolled over on his suddenly uncomfortable bed. When did his mattress get so stiff? He'd tell Sebastian to get him a new one today. As the sun hit his closed eyes, he decided Sebastian was late to wake him up, so he sat up himself. He'd punish Sebastian later.

He opened his eyes and fell off the bed in shock. This wasn't his room. That wasn't his bed. This wasn't even his house! "Sebastian?" He yelled, hoping to get his butler's reasoning for this situation. It looked as if he was in some poor servants shack.

There was no reply.

Now Ciel was getting angry. Looking down, he was positively fuming when he noticed he was wearing a brown patchy dress. "Sebastian!" He cried out angrily.

The door swung open, and a woman was standing there, looking angry. "Snow White!" She snapped. "Stop your incessant yelling!" She threw a rag at him and an empty bucket. "Now get to work!" She slammed the door closed.

Ciel raised an eyebrow. "Who the hell does she think she is?" He stood up and walked outside, angrily clutching the rag an bucket, going to go tell off that lady for think that he, Ciel Phantomhive, would do as she said and clean. He paused when he was out.

This wasn't his garden either, that wasn't his home up there. That was a castle. Like the ones in the Fairytales his parents used to read him before bed. His eyes narrowed as he looked at himself in a discarded piece of glass. His hair was the same, his face was the same (other than the fact that his lips were red). He groaned as he walked over to the well. "This is the weirdest dream I've ever had." He said to himself.

A bird swooped down and landed pleasantly next to him, chirping a beautiful melody that Ciel didn't want to hear.

"Shoo shoo little animal." He waved his hands, but sighed when the bird just kept singing its song, expecting Ciel to join him. Ciel closed his eyes as he too, whistled. It was mostly to get the bird to shut its trap, though.

"Why hello~" someone said, interrupting Ciel and the bird, making the small animal fly off.

Ciel jumped and looked to where the voice came from. "Why the actual hell are you in my dream?" He nearly yelled when he saw Alois Trancy wearing a rather princely looking outfit.

Alois smirked and walked toward him, hands behind his back. "And if this is your dream, why are you wearing a dress?"

Ciel backed up. "Why would I know?!" He shouted.

Alois laughed. "Calm down, Phantomhive! This isn't a dream. If it was, you'd probably have breasts, and you don't. You're the flattest girl I've ever seen!"

Ciel didn't know whether or not to be offended, so he just became red in the face. "I'm a boy! I'm not supposed to have breasts!"

Alois quirked an eyebrow as he looked him over. "Even if you are a boy, you don't need breasts considering you have that amazing ass right there," he eyed the other males rear under the brown skirt.

Ciel blushed more and shoved him. "Just get out of here, Trancy!" He yelled.

The blonde smirked. "Alright, Snow~" he winked before walking off.

Ciel paused. "Snow...?" He face palmed for not getting it before. He was dreaming of being Snow White from that princess book! He sighed a little. "Why is Trancy my prince?" He asked himself.


"So you're just taking me on a walk?" Ciel asked suspiciously as he walked with the hunstman through the woods. For some odd reason he couldn't remember what happened in the woods.

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