Somehow I'll Make a Bottom Out of You

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Alois walked past his line of troops, giving out orders. He had one problem today, and it was the fact that his eye continuously landed on him. Whoever this boy was, he was different than the rest. Not just because his hair was a strange color and he was so pale and skinny you'd think he'd never stepped outside.

This boy was also beautiful. But, he was a boy and Alois wouldn't sleep with boys. "I only sleep with men." He mumbled to himself, ignoring a few confused expressions that he received.

Don't pretend like you don't know... Alois thought, casting an icy glare around before he stopped in the center of the front line, standing directly in front of a short man whose face always made it look like he was ready to fight someone. "Men," he started strongly, "I believe each and every single one of you has potential to be stronger, strong enough to win." Or at least not die the second you step on field. "Which is why I will train you harder and longer than ever-" he paused as he heard a few giggles and rolled his eyes.

Ciel hardly paid attention to the rest of his speech. All he could think about was that fact that the boy he loved was standing in front of him (looking rather attractive) and he didn't even recognize him. He hardly even gave him a second glance! How was he supposed to go all the way to square one again? Seduce his captain? Actually, that could work...

So, throughout the long and hard training Alois had set up for them, Ciel did little things to catch the blonde's attention. This included way more bending over and stretching than what was really needed.

And after the day, after trying his best and showing off his body in ways that would make even Grell cringe, it amounted to nothing. Alois still just scoffed and walked away. Preferring to talk to some other man.

Ciel frowned as he watched them together. Alois was doing his casual flirtation move. The move that used to be reserved for him. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Alois was supposed to be relentlessly chasing him and making the sexual advances, not the other way around! It made no sense, why had this dream gone so far only for him to feel like it would end with him being alone and without Alois again?

The next day, Ciel decided he'd just give up and actually work on training. Maybe if he broke into an asthma attack and stopped breathing, he'd wake up. So, he started actually working and trying. It didn't work the first day, but he tried again the next day, and then the one after that.

The dream was going on for too long now. He worked harder, but found that the more he did it, the easier it got. He was actually gaining muscle. Which is pretty amazing for a teenage boy. Even that weird lizard thing that followed him around was complimenting him.

He didn't realize his trick was working in a different way than what he'd meant for it to until when he got out of his tent to get dinner one night, someone was waiting there for him. More specifically, a blonde.

"What's your name again?" He asked immediately.

Ciel paused. At first, he almost said the fake one, but decided against it. "Phantomhive. Ciel Phantomhive."

Alois nodded. "Well, I noticed how hard you've been working lately..." He commented, taking a quick glance around, then at Ciel's tent.

Ciel nodded. "I have." He said simply. He didn't know what Dream-Alois was trying to say, but if it wasn't "I was kidding this whole time, let's go home!" he wasn't interested.

"Well, I have to admit I don't do this often..." He started, much to Ciel's confusion. What was he talking about? "Actually, I don't believe I've done this at all... It's weird, like I can't remember a time before this. Maybe that's what romance is like."

Ciel's breath hitched. Okay, maybe he was interested in what Alois was about to say.

"I don't mean to sound creepy." He looked at him. "I've noticed you from the very beginning. At first I wasn't interested because I didn't think you were my type. Wow, that sounds rude..." He frowned then looked at him. "I'd like to join you in your tent." He said simply.

Okay, now Ciel didn't care whether or not Alois remembered him, he was definitely interested. Without a second thought, the bluenette grabbed his wrist and pulled him in. He hardly had time to make sure the tents flaps closed behind him before his lips were pressed firmly against his lover's. It wasn't long before the two boys were touching each other in a desperate haze of teenage hormones and horniness.

Alois dug his nails into Ciel's back as the other boy gave deep thrusts. Soon, the both of them gave loud cries as they came.

Alois panted as he looked up at the bluenette boy, smiling a little. "So... Is this a bad time to say I just remembered everything?"

Ciel ducked his head to kiss him, but just as he did, the dreaded flashing light came, to take them to another Fairytale they just weren't interested in.

Except, it didn't.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now