I Slept on a Vegetable. Am I Special Yet?

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Alois groaned as he sat in the carriage. He had to find Ciel and apologize. Or at least have him apologize, considering Alois didn't really do anything....

Anyway, after searching around the kingdom a several villages for hours, the carriage driver suggested that they go back to his castle for it seemed it would start storming soon.

So they traveled back home and Alois moped around the castle, rethinking his fight with Ciel. He had been wrong to act that way towards him, but then again, Ciel shouldn't have made fun of him like that.

He walked around the castle, grabbing a couple of books and putting them away when he realized he'd lived them, so what was the point in reading one? Alois jumped and quivered in fear when he heard a loud clap of thunder. It started pouring outside. He frowned. "Ciel.. Where are you?" He whispered, worried about his angry lover.

After sometime, there was a knock on the door. A maid scurried over and opened the door, only to find a girl who was positively drenched. The blue hair was matted to his head and face, his dress stuck on to his body and his shoes made squishing sounds when he walked.

She looked at him. "Excuse me, ma'am? Who are you?"

"I'm a princess from the next kingdom over. It's cold and I'm wet. Could I come in?" He asked, teeth chattering in the cold.

As the maid was about to question him, Alois jumped in and interrupted. "Ciel!" He said happily.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "Of course you're here..."

Alois pulled him inside and closed the door behind them. "Maid, run a bath for two."

"For one." Ciel growled. "A bath for just me."

Hesitant, the maid led Ciel through the castle and to the bathroom where she ran him a bath and made sure he had dry pajamas for the night, taking the dripping dress to be washed.

Ciel slowly sunk into the tub of steaming water. He closed his eyes as he let out a slow relaxed sigh.

The door swung open and Alois walked in.

Thinking it was the maid with a towel, Ciel stood up, naked.

Alois paused and smirked. "Ciel, if you're feeling in the mood for it then my god lets fuck..."

Ciel's eyes shot open suddenly. "Fuck!" He covered himself with his hands. "Get out!"

"What? I've seen it all before!" Alois walked forward, grabbing his waist and pulling him close.

Ciel pushed him away. "You asshole." He got out of the bath and drained it.

The maid walked in, holding a towel. "O-oh, I see your busy..."

Ciel took the towel and wrapped it around himself. "The conversation was just ending." He assured. He grabbed the night shirt and left the room.

Alois watched him sadly.

Late that night, Ciel lay awake in bed. He stared boredly at the ceiling. His eyes were heavy but he just couldn't get to sleep.

Raindrops smacked against his window. Loud thunder made the room seem to shake.

The bedroom door slowly opened. The blonde boy stood there, holding a candle to light his way. "Ciel?" He whispered, closing the door slowly behind him.

Ciel rolled over and looked at him. "What are you doing, Trancy?" He sat up. "I'm not in the mood for you to try and rape me."

Alois shook his head. "I'm not here for that it's just- Oh!" Alois jumped as he was interrupted by another clap of thunder. He shook in fear.

Ciel paused. "Are you scared of storms?" He asked slowly.

Alois nodded quickly. "I know it's silly it's just- ah!" He teared up, terrified when he was again interrupted by thunder. "C-can I sleep with you?"

Ciel sighed and nodded. He pulled the covers aside and patted the bed next to him.

Alois blew out the candle and gratefully crawled in bed with him. He cuddled up to Ciel, his arms around his waist and nuzzled into his chest.

Ciel paused and slowly wrapped his arms around him. Relaxation took him a moment, but slowly he found the blonde warm and comfortable.

"Ciel?" Alois whispered, surprising the bluenette who thought he'd already fallen asleep.

"What is it?" Ciel asked.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I shouldn't have done that, especially since you just got a little bit of pay back for all the things I'd said to you." He held his hand. "And I actually do like your kisses." He looked at him innocently. "And sex with you was... Pleasurable." He blushed. "It takes me time to trust people, but I trust you." He leaned into him. "I love you..."

Ciel kissed him softly, cupping his cheeks. He sat up to easier kiss him.

Alois straddled Ciel, hands slowly massaging his waist as he deepened the kiss. He waited as Ciel deepened it, then gently bit his lip.

Ciel parted his lips and moaned softly as Alois slid his tongue into his mouth and massaged their tongues. He tangled his fingers in Alois' hair.

Alois pulled away after a moment and slowly started kissing down his neck.

"Alois~ I'm sorry..." He whispered, holding back a few quiet mewls of pleasure.

Alois pulled away. "For what?" He asked, tilting his head.

Ciel looked at him. "I fucked up with some of the things I said to you, I honestly shouldn't have said any of that."

Alois smiled and kissed Ciel again.

They kissed for sometime, but now wasn't a time to go all the way in their eyes, so eventually they pulled away and laid back down. They held each other close.

Alois continuously shifted. "Is there something wrong with your mattress?" He asked. "It feels kinda lumpy..."

Ciel paused. "Alois, we're in Princess and the Pea..."

Alois thought a moment before his eyes widened. "No..."

"You feel the pea, but I don't..."


"Does that mean..?" Ciel smirked.

"I'm not the princess." Alois said immediately.

Ciel smiled. "Whatever you say.... Princess~"

Alois smacked Ciel in the face with a pillow. "Shut up!"

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now