He's a Beast, Alright

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I'd like to notify readers now that if I view your comments as rude or inappropriate, especially regarding the gender pronouns of an amazing red headed reaper, I will be deleting your comments. Thank you.

Anyway, I was recommended by _Elizabeth__Midford_ and a few other people to do Beauty and the Beast, so here you go my boo boos~! Please note I'll be changing a few things as to save time, and frankly my memory of the movie is rather off.



Ciel awoke with a start. Did he really do that, sleep with his old enemy? As if kissing him wasn't embarrassing enough... He sat up and quickly stopped himself from smiling. It was embarrassing to be caught in that position, in a closet nonetheless.

He got out of bed and hesitated before he dressed himself in a dress he found in the wardrobe and slipped on a pair of shoes. From looking outside he'd recognized the houses from artwork he'd seen, realizing this was the French tale, Beauty and the Beast. He sighed and picked up the book. "I don't want to go through more songs..." He groaned. "What is it with these people and their constant singing. I get it, you want to say hello, but don't make a song about it."

Ciel forced himself to walk into town where he was bombarded by many people saying "hello" in French. He, on the way, got a new book and had some idiot lusting after him the whole time. He decided that there was no point in actually following the story, so when he got back home, he climbed on to a horse and rode off toward the giant mansion many people had told him to be cautious of, because, why the hell not?

When he arrived, he hopped off the horse and walked inside without knocking. He sighed as a candle and a clock went through a whole song about how he was a damned guest. He slammed his hand on the table when it was over. "Take me to the owner of the household." He ordered.

The stout clock paused. "A-are you sure about that? We could always do another chorus..."

Ciel stared at him sternly, a look that could truly make a grown man weep for mercy. "Take me to the owner." He ordered in a darker, harsher tone. Pleased, as the candle and the clock began to lead him out of the room as all other furniture and co. turned and left with a sad grumble, Ciel followed along.

"Right in here, Ms., oh, what is your name?"

"Ciel." He replied, about to open the door.

"Isn't that a male's name?" Whispered the clock to the candle.

"It surely is. Should we be checking under that dress to make sure she's the one who could get us out of this eternal servitude as a candle?"

"And as a clock." He agreed. "And maybe we should. I don't want to be wasting our time..."

Ciel clicked his tongue in annoyance. "You realize I can hear your conversation, correct?"

They both jumped up slightly. "Oh!"

"I'm going in." He walked into the room. "Alois?"

Alois poked his head out, his hair looked a little darker and thicker. "Oh thank god you're here, let's get out of here I don't think I can do this."

"Why not? You look fine."

"You haven't seen everything..." Alois said awkwardly.

Ciel quirked an eyebrow. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Alois stepped out, blushing in embarrassment and anger as the bluenette slapped a hand over his mouth to stop from laughing. Alois had a dark, thick and rather coarse looking brown stripe of fur starting toward the middle of the back of his head and going down lower than Ciel could really see from the outfit he was wearing.

Unable to hold it anymore, Ciel uncovered his mouth and began to howl with laughter. "Th-this is j-just like when you were a wolf!" He sputtered out between fits of laughter.

Alois blushed red, the color reaching the very tips of his ears. If it weren't for the fact that Ciel's laughter was positively adorable, he would've been angrier. "Oh shut it, Phantomhive, shall we talk about how you're in a dress?"

"I've been in dresses too many times to care about it now. Not with something as ridiculous as this going down your back." He chuckled.

"SHUT UP!" He growled out.

"Okay, okay!" Ciel said, seeming to calm down. "I won't!"

Alois sighed softly. "Thank you..."

Ciel held back another laugh. "Hey, Alois? Are you feeling rather troubled?"

"What do you mean?" Alois looked up at him, clearly confused.

"Your fur is sticking up." Ciel pointed out.

"No way!" Alois whined and quickly turned his head to look. Sure enough, the course fur was now sticking up like a worried dog's. Why did such embarrassing things have to happen in front of Ciel Phantomhive? Oh dear god, he'd never live this down...

Ciel chuckled and walked forward. "So what will it be this time? Do I have to kiss you, sleep with you, conjure up a magic blow job spell?" He asked, joking slightly.

"All of those options sound quite nice~" Alois smirked.

"Oh, shut it, Sparky." Ciel said, poking fun about how dog-like Alois seemed to be. Even more than when Alois had been an actual member of the dog family.

"Well you're wearing a dress!" He barked. See? Dog-like.

"I told you that I don't care about that anymore. You'll have no proof anyway, you little puppy." Ciel replied nonchalantly, looking around the room a bit.

"At least I'm not always being dragged around on the queen's leash, you little git!" Alois growled out again, unusually catty for someone with fur sticking up their back. "And who are you calling a puppy? You're the size of a child! You may act all big and tough but we all know that a little spanking from the queen and you'll come crying home!"

Ciel suddenly got angry as he returned his gaze to the blonde. "At least I get respect and don't go prancing around everywhere! You're always acting like a bloody child!"

"A child? Oh, you weren't calling me a child when you shoved your dick up my ass in the last story!"

"It's not like you were complaining much, now were you? You had a good time, if I do say so myself!"

"Don't say so!" Alois yelled back. "You can't even kiss, shoving your tongue this way and that. Where did you even learn to kiss, Ciel?"

"Oh please, you were still moaning by the end of it. You came before I did!"

"Only because you somehow found a way for your stubby baby hands to give me pleasure, and then I had to force it out to make it end! It sure was quite believable that you were a virgin!"

"You know what? I don't care!" Done with the argument, Ciel threw the bedroom door open and left. "Goodbye, Trancy." He growled.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now