Glass Shoes Fucking Hurt

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Blackbutler4ever asked me to do Cinderella, so here ya go! 



Ciel was surprised to find that the kiss didn't last long. Suddenly, his lips were no longer on Alois' soft ones. He sat up in a bed quickly and looked around. A clock outside was chiming, it chimed six times. "Six in the morning." Ciel muttered. He got out of bed and got dressed. He frowned when he noticed that the outfit he was in was fit for a maid. "That's odd..." He muttered to himself.

The birds outside began chirping at him again.

Not wanting to "argue" this time, he just whistled along and slipped on the shoes. He opened the door to the room and stepped down the stairs. He paused when he saw a cat on the stairs, seemingly stirring up trouble with some little mice. He kicked at the cat until it hissed and ran away. He leaned over and saw the fat mouse look at him with gratitude. He nodded, slightly confused, and walked away.

"Cinderella!" Some annoying voices called out, though their footsteps were already heard, walking toward him.

Ciel looked up, suddenly realizing what fairy tale he'd ended up in. "Of fuck no..." He muttered to himself.

Two ugly women walked in. One wore a greenish yellow dress, and the other was clad in pink. "Cinderella!" They repeated harshly. "Wash the dishes, clean our rooms, do the laundry..." The two girls continued until an older woman stepped in.

"Ladies," she started. "That is of no way to treat the child." She said, smirking. She pulled out a list that nearly pooled around her. "That would be impossible to remember." She rolled the list up and gave it to Ciel. "By tomorrow evening, before the ball. Plus," she took a bucket of lentils and threw them by the fire. "Pick all of those up too, along with those chores. If they're done by then, you have a full bucket, and you have a dress, then maybe you can come with us." She raised her nose high and left the room, the two ugly girls promptly following behind.

Ciel sighed softly. He knew he only had two outfits in his room, and both were only fit for maids, plus the list was impossibly long and the lentils were much too small and time wasting to pick them all up. He paused and started whistling the tune he'd sang earlier with the birds.

Soon enough, the mice, the birds and several other animals were gathered around him, ready to listen.

He sighed. "Birds, lentils. Get them, please. Mice, dress, please. Other animals, these chores. I need help."

The animals all seemingly nodded and went straight to work.

Ciel sighed and stood up. "This is going to be a long day..." He muttered.

The next day, Ciel continued with his chores until it was nearly time. He looked and saw that all the lentils had been put in their rightful spot. He carefully placed it where it couldn't be knocked over. He looked around and saw that all of the chores had been done, and that the house was even cleaner than expected. He went up to his room to where the mice had been working on his dress.

The mice all moved away when he walked in, seemingly presenting the fluffy pink ribbon-y dress.

Ciel sighed. "This looks like the one I wore with Druitt..." He gagged a little at the memory. He walked over and changed into it. He smoothed it out and stepped out of the room, going down the stairs. He saw the two sisters and the older mother, just about to leave.

"Wait!" He called. "I'm coming with you."

They all turned and looked at him with surprise. "You? Join us?" The older woman asked. "Why would we let you do that?"

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now