Little Blue Hair... Wait That's Not Even Clever

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I was asked by Amie-Chan to do Little Red Riding Hood (I promise I'll get to the others too). I hope you guys don't mind, but this chapter will be a little shorter than the others, and I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible.



Ciel sighed to himself as he trudged through the woods. This is where he ended up of all places. He was wearing a red hooded cape and some random outfit that not only was improper attire to him, but also to any little lady. The skirt was above his knees, which was outrageous. Women could be seen as risky for showing too much ankle, let alone a full leg.

Anyway, as he walked and walked, he noticed the trees around him getting denser, the woods getting darker and the sounds getting creepier. "What kind of mother sends her only child on a quest through such dangerous woods... What kind of grandma lives near such a place? If she's so old and ill, shouldn't she just come live with this harlot of a girl and the horrible mother?" Ciel muttered to himself.

He heard footsteps and turned toward the sound. Out walked Alois.... With a wolf tail and ears.

Ciel started cracking up, doubling over with laughter. "You've got to be joking!" He blurted.

"That's what I said when I woke on the wood floor." Alois muttered. "Now shut up, I've seen you in dresses and even a tarp with only a bra underneath, and I didn't even react this way."

Ciel stood up. "Forgive me, Trancy, this is just a sight to see." He walked closer to him and poked his ears, smirking as he watched them twitch. He then reached down to his tail and stroked it.

Alois shivered pleasantly, moaning slightly.

Ciel stood up abruptly and looked into his eyes, only breaking out into another fit of laughter. "Did you just get turned on?" When he didn't receive a reply from the blonde, he began to laugh harder.

Alois blushed and looked away. "Just shut up!"

"So, I'm supposed to go to my grandma's house, but you're supposed to be eating her..." Ciel said seriously.

Alois crinkled his nose. "Not into that."

"Not her vagina, you weirdo." Ciel elbowed him as he walked.

Alois shrugged. "Still..." He glanced at Ciel. "So another dress, hm?"

"I know, and do you see this? A woman would be hanged for wearing a dress like this in public!" He blurted.

Alois studied his legs. "Damn..." He muttered. "You have some nice legs, Ciel."

Ciel pushed him gently, almost playfully. "You're weird. Not many people spend time looking at other male's legs, you know."

He laughed. "I'm not like most people, especially because I'm gay and I appreciate a guy's legs. Mainly yours. I like you in dresses. I prefer pants though, you have a cute little bottom."

Ciel blushed. "You need to stop talking..."

Alois smirked. "Oh, come on Ciel. We've kissed too many times for you to try and say that we don't have a sort of romance going on right now."

"Romance? That's impossible, we're both males."

Alois raised an eyebrow and looked at Ciel's dress.

Ciel sighed. "Dress or not, I have a male parts under this thing and so do you. Which would be a homosexual relationship."

"Can I see your male parts?" Alois wiggled his eyebrows. When Ciel only shook his head, he spoke again. "I don't think it matters that we have that kind of relationship, honestly. I personally," He paused and sighed. "I have feelings for you and that's all that should matter, that I care about you." He couldn't look at Ciel, he didn't want to be rejected.

What he'd said was something that would usually gross out Ciel, at least a little bit. Especially with Elizabeth, she was more like his little sister (or cousin, I guess), so thinking about being romantic with her felt somewhat wrong. But, Alois' confession was different, Ciel almost smiled. Like actually smiled. Teeth and everything, you guys, this is the real deal. "R-really?" He asked in disbelief.

Alois nodded. "Why else would I be so keen to kissing you?" He asked.

Ciel looked at him and stopped walking.

Alois heard him stop, so he did too. He looked back at him. "Is something wrong? Aren't you going to keep walking?" He asked.

Ciel shook his head and stepped closer to him.

Alois raised an eyebrow. "You're acting strange, Ciel."

Ciel pursed his lips and gently cupped his cheek. "Alois," he said softly. "Don't talk." He leaned in, and gently pressed his lips to the blonde's.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now