I Already Know the World

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Waking up the next morning, Alois found it rather odd that his placement wasn't his usual large comfortable bed (with a vegetable maybe or maybe not underneath) but instead he found himself in an alleyway. He sat up and rubbed his back that ached slightly from the hard ground beneath his thin blanket that strived yet failed at being a bed. Looking down he also noticed that not only was he shirtless with just a vest to cover his upper torso, but there was a sleeping monkey in his lap.

"What... The hell?" He muttered as he looked around. He wasn't the prince in this, but he obviously wasn't the princess. Unless by some awkward course of events princesses in this world are allowed to wear pants and freely show their nipples.

But on this ever so special chapter, Alois wasn't the only one who woke up confused. Sebastian awoke in a far room in the castle too. He sat up in confusion before it hit him what was going on. "Damn you Grell..." He muttered.

~Taking a short break in real time~

Will turned and looked at Grell. "Really? Sebastian is the bad guy who wants to steal Ciel?" He asked blandly.

"Well he seemed to be my best option out of the people in this room. You see, I couldn't send you for reasons quite clear-"

"They're not very clear, explain these reasons."

"Because we're in love, dummy." Grell smiled, quickly moving on before she could be corrected by the man. "I couldn't send UnderTaker because he'd giggle then probably actually steal Ciel for body reasons, Claude would rape him then take his soul, Lizzie would force the two to have sex again. Frankly I'm not attracted to him, and I know Sebby isn't either I mean, how could you look at beauty so devine as my own and try to go for a stumpy legged boy?"

"We get it, Grell..." Claude muttered. "And I wouldn't rape him!"

"Claude what you wish to do with the child would not be consensual, let's face it." Will commented, smirking slightly when he angered the glasses wearing demon.

Lizzie shushed them. "I want them to make out again, shut up!" She squeaked before she looked at Grell. "Could you start again, ma'am?"

Grell nodded. "Of course."

~Back to Sebastian~

Sebastian sighed as he shuffled out of the room in the too big clothes with his too annoying parrot. "What am I even supposed to be?" He muttered.

"The bad guy!" The parrot squawked into his ear, his pitch higher than Elizabeth's squeals.

Sebastian winced and brushed him off his shoulder. "Make yourself useful." He grumbled.

As Ciel woke up that morning he was momentarily relieved to be in a comfortable bed, indoors.

This sensation of relief lasted only moments for after that, Ciel noticed the tiger laying in his room. He screamed silently and fell off the bed in terror. He panted and searched the room for some kind of weapon. How did a wild animal get into his room? If he was allergic to regular cats, he couldn't imagine what this cat would do to his allergies.

He stood slowly and carefully tried to walk out of the room. He was stopped by a tall character in a large hat and an obviously fake, curled mustache. Upon studying the face, he was glad to see someone familiar. "Sebastian!" He said happily, pulling him inside. "What are you doing here?"

"Grell shoved me here for some kind of fun." Sebastian sighed. "Let's just hurry up and get you and Master Trancy together. Then we could-" Sebastian interrupted himself. "Master..." He said, looking past him.

"What is it?"

"Is that a.. Tiger?"

"Yes it is. Why do you- Oh god..."

Sebastian jumped on to the bed and immediately began to inspect the "beauty" of the large cat.

Ciel sighed and got dressed. "This character shows a lot of skin..." He said awkwardly, staring at his outfit in the mirror. He looked up at his door when he heard loud booming music come from outside. He walked out to his balcony and watched as many creatures came towards the building along with many people singing about some Prince. Ciel smiled a little as he watched Alois clearly feeling awkward in a situation like this. He walked the the main doors of the castle and opened them, stepping aside and watching them all enter, still yelling the tune at the top of their lungs.

Alois stumbled in in the mess of it all, blushing when he saw Ciel sitting in a large chair with little clothing on, watching the show with an amused smile.

Finally it ended, Ciel sat with the short tubby man, clapping.

"Bravo." Ciel stood and looked at the blue man who had introduced himself to Alois as "Genie". "You put on a wonderful performance, now may I see the one you did all of this for?"

The blue man nodded and shoved the blushing blonde forward.

Ciel pulled him close and cupped his cheeks. "I missed you." He cooed.

"And I missed you." Alois held Ciel's waist, ignoring the confused looks from the Genie and tubby man in the weird hat. "And before we go into the next story, I just wanted to say I want to ma-"

But sadly, as timing would have it, Alois didn't get to finish his sentence before he was sent off to a new story.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now