King of The Rock (Filler)

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When Ciel's eyes opened again, he was disappointed to not see his blonde, rather the roof of a tent. "When will this be over?" He asked himself quietly. He sat up and looked around, looking in confusion at a red snake like creature curled up next to the blanket where he'd slept. He found a stick and poked at it.

The creature jumped up. "Oh! We have to get you ready for your first day of training!" He said quickly, running out of the tent. He came back moments later and began to shove food into his face, rambling about how he had to be prepared.

Ciel hardly paid attention, only thinking about his blonde lover of whom he couldn't wait to see.

The boy had begun to say something to him. Something that could be exciting if Ciel could just find out what it was. He half paid attention as he put clothes on and walked away, still thinking dreamily about his lover.

He stood in line with many men of different shapes. From looking at them he discovered he was in an Asian story. He quickly started thinking, when a name was called. He vaguely recognized it and claimed it for his own. Thankfully, he was correct.

He waited another few minutes when finally all the names were called and suddenly Alois walked out from behind the flap of a tent.

Ciel practically swooned when he saw the boy. He was dressed in very manly attire. The boys icy blue eyes scanned the crowd but didn't seem to even recognize the bluenette. He moved along and began giving out orders.

The blue haired boy was stunned. As they ran through drills he did his best to stand out, but Alois seemed to look past him.

At the end of the day, the small snake made him go to a pond like area to bathe.

While still slightly grossed out by the idea, Ciel agreed. He stripped and got into the water, half hoping a certain blonde might also be naked in said waters.

No such luck, instead three men who had been particularly kind that day joined him, making Ciel feel oddly embarrassed in his nude situation.

Especially when one man stood atop of a rock, legs spread as if to show off his manhood and declared himself in front of all as king of the rock.

Ciel blushed brightly and looked away in time to see Alois Trancy begin to walk up, pause at the sight then consider turning back. Luckily with his placement, Ciel was lucky. His towel was next to where Alois was standing. He swam up and covered himself with the towel before he walked over to Alois. "Hello!" He said quickly, almost desperately.

Alois glanced at him. There was a pause before he spoke back. "Hello... I'm just going to go back to my tent." He said awkwardly. He walked away, leaving Ciel standing alone, wondering if he were simply in the wrong fairytale...

~ You already know where we're going, don't you ~

Sebastian looked at Grell. "Wait, what did you do?"

"I changed some of the rules." She shrugged. "So maybe Ciel will have to work a little bit harder to get him this time. It's simply to make up for feelings Alois had before and such."

Sebastian paused. "Are you telling me Alois really does believe he's his character?"

Will paused. "How will he convince him to..?"

"And how will Ciel get them to fall in love again?!" Elizabeth squealed. "I just- I don't-" she started crying, sobbing into the Undertaker's shoulder.

Claude sighed. "Just continue on with the story." He said a little too excitedly for the usually stoic man.

Grell yawned. "Mm... Not tonight." She said simply."

The group looked at her in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Will asked quickly.

"Well I'm tired, and bored of reading to you people. The story will still be here tomorrow and because of that the boys will just think they overslept." She stood, taking the fanfiction with her as she walked out of the room, hearing the sounds of Undertaker's giggles and Lizzie's yelling in protest grow softer the farther away she got.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now