This Isn't Even a Fairytale..? (Harry Potter, Drarry)

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Hey guys! I thought I should tell you that I'm not going to do Repunzel, Tangled version as some of you requested. I've been working on it for a while and with that story I have absolutely no inspiration to do it. I might try and do the original in the near future. I apologize for not doing that, and how this update took a while. Please leave more recommendations in the comments for other stories though!

But now, I will be doing Drarry, from Harry Potter. I hope that's how you spell their ship name. I was asked by SUNYDAYZ to do a Harry Potter, Drarry sort of thing.

Forgive me if I completely fuck this up but I've never read the books (please don't kill me I'm like 13) and it's been a while since I've seen the movies.

Umm, also....

Smut Warning

Enjoy! (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more!)


Ciel sat up in bed and immediately looked around. Once again, not his home. But there was something odd about the place he was in, it was unlike any other that he'd ever been in. He slowly got out of bed and changed into some random clothes that he found in the drawer next to him. "Where the hell am I?" He whispered to himself.

Some redhead boy walked in. "There you are, Harry." He greeted.

"Who the hell is Harry?" Ciel asked.

The boy quirked an eyebrow. "You are.. Anyway, you're going to miss breakfast if you don't come down!"

"Okay..." Ciel said awkwardly. He followed the boy to a large room filled with children, sitting at four long tables. The room was weirdly decorated, lit by many candles hanging from the ceiling. He was pulled into a seat, across from a girl with wild hair. Her nose was buried in some book.

She glanced up at them. "Well you're late." She complained softly as she set down the book. "Now..." She began to drone on about someone whose name sounded like 'snake'.

Ciel looked around desperately to find who he was looking for until his eyes landed on a pale haired boy seated at a different table. He stood. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." He stood up and walked out of the room, purposely swaying his ass. As expected, the blonde followed him a moment later.

"There you are! I didn't realize it was you until-" He paused, not wanting Ciel to know he recognized his butt. "Until I saw your hair!"

"Right." Ciel said with an eye roll. "My hair. Are you sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I walked right by you while shaking my butt?"

"You did that on purpose?" Alois asked. "Do you always do it on purpose?"'

"What? Of course not, you idiot! My butt never shakes!"

Alois smirked. "Yeah it does. Why do you think I'm always inviting you to my balls? Your butt looks great in action."

Ciel blushed and smacked the blonde's arm. "Shut up! Let's just kiss and get it over with..."

Alois looked around. "Let's do it somewhere private, something is weird about this one and I don't think that people would be as accepting if we kissed in front of people. Plus you're not a girl in this one."

"Alright... Let's go to that closet right there!" He pulled him to the closet. "Funny, ending up back in here, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Ciel raised an eyebrow. He paused and thought for a second before he realized. "I hate you." He muttered.

"Hm, then why are you about to kiss me~?"

"Because I want to leave." He stated.

"Is that the only reason?" He asked, batting his eyelashes.

Trapped In A Fairytale (Black Butler, CielxAlois [Cielois], yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now