Chapter 9

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Because I got into my dream university and its a snowday tomorrow ;) pretty exciting chapter let me know what you think and enjoy! :)


            After our showers Graham showed up at the closet door wearing a dark gray suit with an electric blue shirt. “Are you going back into work?” I couldn’t completely hide the disappointment from my voice.

            I stood in my towel still, looking for new clothes not wanting to draw attention to my packed bag. While Graham’s eyes grew dark as he took in my form I took a moment to check him out. His brown hair was starting to look lighter and the colors of his attire made him look powerful and electric. But there was no doubt it was expensive clothing, the fabric sleek and tailored perfectly to his body.

            “Nope, we’re going to go out to dinner.” He looked me up and down one last time before moving away from the closet. “The reservation is in three hours and it’s a two hour drive. But for my sake please put on clothing quickly.”

            As if a gunshot sounded at a race I was off. I searched for a dress to the same level of elegance as Graham’s attire and found matching heels. I headed to the bathroom to do my hair. After drying and curling my natural waves I half pinned up my copper blonde locks. I applied some light make up before stepping into the black lace fit and flare skater dress.

            I felt warm fingers smoothly gliding up my back as they closed my zipper, making me sigh in the process. “Are you almost ready to go?”

            I quickly slipped into my five inch strappy heels that still left me four inches shorter than Graham and grabbed my purse. “All ready.” I smiled.

            Graham’s face matched min before he kissed my temple and took my hand to lead me to his car. For once I felt fancy enough to be seen in the expensive car that would make any car lover drool. After opening my door for me Graham got in on his side. Once the engine started with smooth ease we were off.

            After a two hour drive, that actually took two hours due to city traffic despite Graham’s speedy driving, we arrived punctually. He stopped in front of one of the tall shiny sky scrapers. The building sparkled of silver metal on onyx marble. A valet set up was at the front door that ushered us to the front door and took Graham’s car.

            When a young man, around my age wearing the black and white valet uniform attempted to take my arm Graham growled. I gave the man a small smile in apology as he sheepishly gave me up to Graham. With a strong arm around my waist and a proud smile on his face Graham escorted us inside. He led us to a glass elevator that travelled up to nearly the top of the building.

            The restaurant was all white and new looking, we were seated and Graham ordered a wine before the hostess left, “Graham! I’m only seventeen! I can’t drink!” I whispered harshly across the small table.

            Graham only took my hand and shrugged. “Does it really look like they are going to question us here? Besides, you do not look seventeen in that.” A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips as he hungrily eyed me.

            With a blush as red as the rose I fiddled with in the water filled glass bowl at the center of our table I asked him, “How old are you?”

            We both paused at eh question, we have never mentioned our ages before. “I’m twenty-four, is that a problem?”

            I only shook my head and let him intertwine his finger with mine. The hostess returned with our wine and a waiter took our order. Although we were in a fancy restaurant I still found myself having a great time, I even broke down in a fit of laughter once. On the ride home I was too wired to even think about drifting off.

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