Chapter 2

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           “Alpha?” The blonde guy with my blood asked looking pale.

            The guy who was holding me pulled back from my neck hiding my view of the blonde guy. A deep growl rumbled in his chest. He must have been the Alpha. I couldn’t move. My body was trapped by his strength. My mind was trapped by his claim. My wolf was still missing. The Alpha’s grip tightened on my body.

            The blonde guy opened his mouth to speak but my yelp of pain interrupted him. The Alpha’s attention snapped back to me. His fierce features turned soft and worried. His lips met my forehead and he smoothed down my matted hair.

            “Send a doctor to our room. I’ll deal with you all later.”In a flash we were up the stairs and headed across a large grass field. He entered the forest and came out to reveal a gigantic house. I would have been shocked but I was too numb from the night.

            I couldn’t see the details of the house in the dark but I doubted a house of this size wouldn’t be remarkably decorated. I wondered what time it was, if it was still night or now morning. The adrenaline crash had been so serve I felt catatonic. I didn’t even know if I could talk if I wanted to. After two flights of stairs we reached the third floor. He flicked on a light in a room we entered revealing a bedroom. I didn’t care to take in the scenery I just wanted to close my eyes and wake up from this nightmare.

            The Alpha laid me down on the bed. I shivered once his warmth left my body. Unfortunately the shaking didn’t stop. Now I noticed my pain. It was like everything was freshly hurting again. My blood felt like it was on fire in my viens. I could feel the very ends of each nerve cell. When I screamed the Alpha’s green eyes flashed black.

            Two males and a female burst into the room. One of the males went to touch me but the Alpha growled.

            “Alpha, I have to touch her if I’m going to help her! We also need to get her out of these clothes.”

            The Alpha let out another growl; did this guy forget how to talk? But after a moment he went to grab my shirt. When I whimpered and tried to move away his eyes flashed with confusion and hurt.

            “She’s scared Alpha. Can you blame her for what you put her through?” He growled again. “I’ll help her change you should all leave then I’ll call the doctor back.”

            “I’m not leaving my mate!” His yelling made me flinch.

            There was no denying it now; he had really clamed me as his mate, for the second time. I would never be allowed to escape now. All hope was gone. The worst part was how my body was betraying me and begging to be at his side.

            Finally the men all left. The girl, maybe only a few years older than myself, gave me a look of pity and understanding. Io wasn’t embarrassed about her seeing my body. As a wolf I had shifter in front of people before, Damien and Zane had seen me naked more times than I could count. She helped me strip off my t-shirt and shredded jeans. I felt useless and weak with my limp wrist and throbbing ankle making me depend on her support when I stood to take off the jeans. My only pair of clothes was destroyed and laid in a bloody tattered mess. She took a t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts from the Alpha’s closet and helped me get them on. She let the man who I assumed was the doctor and the Alpha back in.

            I didn’t want the Alpha to touch me. But as much as I hated to admit it, as he held my hand while the doctor cleaned and dressed my wounds it made me feel better. He bandaged a soft cast on my wrist with a furrow in his brow. The whole time the Alpha scowled at my injuries making me feel exposed. When the doctor was done he and the girl left.

            I realized I didn’t know any of their names, not even the Alpha. Well I’d be leaving soon anyway so I guess it wouldn’t matter. Even if this man was my mate, he was not only part of a pack, but the leader of a system I hated. I had vowed a long time ago I would never live in a pack again. But I also vowed I’d do anything it took to stay with my mate when I found him. So where did that leave me now?

            “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was so soft, like a whisper. I almost didn’t recognize his voice. But my body did.

I looked up from where I was sitting on the bed to see him staring at me from a chair. “Please tell me your name.”

            “I sighed and took in his appearance. He was unmistakably gorgeous. He had slightly shaggy dark brown hair and piercing emerald green eyes. He was tall and incredibly built just like I had noticed when he had been carrying me. An air of power radiated from him, it came with the blood line. I’ll admit; if he had been a rogue and we found each other, I wouldn’t doubt we would already be mated. My face warmed at that thought and I returned my eyes to my lap.


            I heard him sigh and looked up. “That has got to be the prettiest name I’ve ever heard, it suits you.”

            I felt myself blush, I shouldn’t be blushing, but I couldn’t help it with him. He walked over and knelt in front of me. Now that everyone had left us for awhile he was like a love struck fool. He kissed my hand but didn’t let it go. I tried to ignore the tingle our connection gave me. I couldn’t stay with him.

            “I’m assuming you want to sleep alone tonight. I’m so sorry for everything you had to got through today. I’ll be right next door if you need me.”

            “I can sleep somewhere else. I don’t want to take your bed.” I barely squeaked out.

            A slight frown formed on his face. “My sweet Ariabella, this is now your bed too. When you get better and are adjusted we can share the bed together.”

            Now I was really blushing. Why did he make me blush so much? His lips meet my forehead and I closed my eyes enjoying the bliss. When he started moving to the door I felt the urge to call him back.

            “Wait!” My voice was forever shrinking.

            He stopped at the door and looked back with a soft smile on his face. “Yes?”

            “What’s your name?”

            “It’s Graham. Goodnight my Luna.”

            And with that he left. Leaving me alone in the darkness with my thoughts.

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