Chapter 16

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            Graham showered first and I sent him off to work before I showered. Once I got out and changed I could hear someone singing downstairs. That must be Sarah. I wandered down to the kitchen to see her busying herself around the kitchen.

            “Oh there you are! How are you feeling sweetie?” She sat me down on a stool and gave me a plate of dry toast and a bottle of Gatorade.

            “I’m feeling better than this morning.” I nibbled at the toast, not feeling hungry but knowing I needed to eat.

            “You know I used to give Graham the same thing when he was little and had tummy aches.” I couldn’t help but smile at my mental image of a little pouting Graham. “And who knows, soon you will be getting sick because you will have your owl little one in the oven!”

            I gagged on my Gatorade and struggle to swallow it. “Guess I’m still a little sick.” I smiled when Sarah shot me a worried look.

            I hope she wasn’t expecting kids too soon! I was still weeks away from being eighteen! I was apparently struggling to take care of myself, how could I take care of a baby right now? I hadn’t even started my Luna duties yet either. I gripped my thighs forcing my inner freak out to subside. I didn’t have to get pregnant yet, and Graham would be more than understanding if I wasn’t ready. Yes, everything would be just fine.

            Even though I insisted I was fine, Sarah wouldn’t let me do anything other than watch television. Feeling better but beyond bored I nearly jumped into Graham’s arms when he came home for lunch.

            “Miss me? Are you feeling better?”

            “Yes, much better. In fact, I was thinking I could start on my Luna duties this afternoon.” I smiled brightly hoping he would save me.

            With a chuckle he nodded. “I actually have to go to the office in the city this afternoon so I can show you some of the work you will eventually have to do.”

            “I can do that! When do we leave? What should I wear?”

            Graham continued to laugh as he led me to the kitchen. “After we eat some lunch we can go. And business dress or skirt?”

            “You are leaving? Well I made you two lunch so I can clean and get out of your way.” Sarah smiled sadly.

            “Thank you so much for taking care of me. I really appreciate it.”

            She smiled and gave us both hugs before leaving us to eat. As soon as I finished my food I hurried upstairs to put on a black pencil skirt and bright blue blouse with a pair of pumps. After an hour long drive we arrived in the city.

            Graham pulled up to a tall glass building where we walked in the front door, leaving his black sports car with a valet. We were greeted by many employees; some even seemed to gawk at us. It was sleek like all the big important buildings I have seen before on television. I tried to take notice of all the details as we strode across the black tile floors. Wait; did that plaque just say Westfall Industries? There was another one, and another. Holy crap was this whole building his? Most large packs had other businesses, why hadn’t I thought to ask Graham what his ‘city work’ was.

            As we got into the elevator Graham started to explain his work, “So most of my time I spend at the pack office focusing on just pack matters, making sure all of our systems are in place and everyone is taken care of. If I don’t have any paper work to fill out or sign I can work at home like I did yesterday. But here I work on my bigger operations that are pretty much where the pack gets all of its finances.”

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