Chapter 4

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            I convinced Ben we needed to stop at the motel so I could grab my purse. I also felt the sweet but noisy lady deserved a reason for my absence. Ben apparently knew her and went to explain while I grabbed my things. I didn’t need my room key because the door way broke from when Ben and his goons had broken into to kidnap me.

            My wolf whimpered at the memory. Somehow they had drugged me to knock me out and block my wolf. How they hid their scents so I didn’t know they were wolves freaked me out worse.

            When I pushed on the door it came open with some cracking. The room was just as I remembered it. With my purse open and my belonging spilled from when I dropped it. Once I gathered my things I left. After glancing towards the office to see if Ben was still there I sprinted to my truck, ignoring the shooting pain in my leg, and jumped in. The engine roared to life and I speed out of the parking lot leaving behind only a screeching noise.

            Finally, freedom. I went as fast as I could through the town while trying not to draw attention to myself. I headed back for the highway, I was going home. I felt ashamed I had let my temper tantrum with Damien get me into this mess. A pang of guilt hit me. They were probably worried sick. I had turned off my cell phone after leaving. Half watching the empty road, half digging through my purse I finally found my phone. I pressed the button to turn it on. After it beeped to life I looked back to the road. I swear I saw shadows in the woods moving along with my truck. I was just paranoid.

            I noticed movement in my rear view mirror. A slick black sports car was coming up behind me, and gong fast. It had to be going nearly a hundred miles per hour. No it couldn’t be the pack. They couldn’t have gained on me that quickly. One of the shadows darted out a few yards ahead I slammed on my breaks so hard I felt my stomach hit the walls of my abdomen.

            The shadows I had seen had been wolves. Several more had come out of the woods and were surrounding my truck. I was going to be in some trouble. Suddenly I remembered the sports car. Just as I checked for it the car did some fast and the furious drifting crap. With a screeching halt it came to a stop sideways. They had completely blocked me in.

            When I saw Graham get out of the car I put my head in my hands and groaned. I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

            I gathered my things in my purse knowing I wouldn’t have time to get it later. Graham stormed over to my door and through it open. Acting mad wasn’t going to help, sucking up probably wouldn’t either. I didn’t have a good excuse, there was no denying it, I was trying to run away.

            “Get out of the truck we’re going home.” Damn, he was pissed.

            “I can drive myself back.” It probably wasn’t a good idea to have an attitude but whatever.

            “It wasn’t a suggestion.” He reached over and unbuckled my seat belt.

            He effortlessly picked me up bridal style and carried me to the passenger side of his car despite my protests. He buckled me I before getting to his side and jumping in. As he drove back to his mansion he held the steering wheel in a wise grip.

            I watched as he drove. I couldn’t help but ogle at his appearance. He was gorgeous. Even in a simple t-shirt and dark jeans he was breathtaking. Although he treated me like a child and was possessive he was nearly irresistible. Nearly.

            When we got back Graham flew to my side and grabbed my hand to pull me inside. It was like he had gotten angrier. When I tried to pull my hand back he growled. He threw me over his shoulder so I was facing his back with my legs in the air. I was yelling at him to put me down which made him chuckle. If I wasn’t so annoyed I would have thought it sounded kind of hot. He carried me right up the stairs and threw me on his bed. As he stood over me seething with black eyes I felt my chest tighten. He looked like he wanted to hurt me, or take me. My wolf whimpered in submission but I stood my ground. Finally he hugged and left the room, locking it from the outside. I rolled my eyes, I could find other ways out if I really wanted to.

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