Chapter 23

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"Oh I'm sorry miss did I startle you?" The old man shuffled closer to me.

I sniffed the air, he was human. My wolf resurfaced. She was nervous but not of the old man. He was harmless.

"What are you doing so far out here?"

"Oh, I was just going for a run."o"You must be far from home then. My house is the only one around for miles. WOuld you like to come inside? My wife can make you tea and you can use our phone to call someone to pick you up."

My wolf told me it was alright so I nod my head and follow his slow movements back to the cute cottage style house. It was like something out of a childrens story. There was a small gated garden overflowing with bright wild flowers. The house was detailed with gingerbread modlings in lilac against pale green siding. A cute old woman with an apron tied around her layered flower dress. I took notice of the man's attire now, he wore tan trousers and a green sweater over his white shirts and suspenders. Man they really were out of a story book.

"Bunny, look what I found in the woods." THe old man called out.

The woman, Bunny I'm guessing, ushered us inside. They showed me their phone and I dialed up Zane. I hadn't memorized anyone elses number yet and he was at least in the pack, close enough to get me.

I twirled the landline cord in my fingers as I waited for Zane to pick up his phone. I'm surprised people still use these. I haven't seen one in a house in forever. After four rings Zane finally picked up.

"Hey are you busy? I need you to pick me up."

"Ariabella? What the hell? Where have you been? Where are you?"

I asked the elderly couple for directions and instructed Zane. Despite some grumpy protests he agreed saying it would take him twenty minutes, speeding of course.

The couple had me sit down at their dinner table and Bunny brought me some cookies on a plate and a cup of tea. I honestly can't stand tea but I sipped at it anyways not to be rude. I'm guessing they didn't get a lot of guest around here because they were curious about every aspect of my life.

"My name is Ariabella. I live at the base of the mountains."

"My, my, you did travel quite a distance didn't you. Good thing Richard found you out there. Such a pretty girl like you, it can be dangerous to be wandering around in the woods."

You have no idea. "I'm used to being in the woods. I'm stronger than I look."

the elderly couple laughed. "Oh I remember the days when I used to be able to say that." Bunny laughed.

I chatted with them a bit before a thought popped into my head. "That creek I was following, do you know where the water source is? I haven't seen any other creeks like that around and I'm guessing it is not runoff from the mountains because it's too late in the year for it to still be melting snow."

"Well you're an insightful young one aren't you? It seems like all you kids do today is keep your noses in your phone."

Where did these people come from? They were the cutest stereotypical old people ever. Well I couldn't say the real reason why I was so suspicious.

"I'm really into Environmental Science. I'm planning on studying it in college." That sounded true enough, at one point it had been true. Lately normal things were so off the track.

"Some snotty business man came snooping around some weeks ago. Said it was for a dam that had been built at the mountain pass. Years ago there used to be a beautiful river system that ran through the whole mountain range. I guess they decided to exploit the lands resources for their own profit."

I felt bad for richard, it seemed like he really cared about this land. And yet he had seen it changed for selfish reasons. What business had decided to do that?

I was about to ask him when there was a knock on the front door. Zane stood there awkwardly playing with his dyed hair when Richard answered the door.

"Can I help you son?" He eyed Zane's red hair disapprovingly.

"I'm here to pick up Ariabella. Ugh, am I at the right place?"

"Yeah Zane I'm coming. Thank you so much for the tea and letting me use your phone."

"This boy isn't your boyfriend is he?"

Zane and I looked back and forth at each other before snorting. "No sir, she is like a little sister to me."

Richard only humphed. "Well take better care of her son. And you are always welcome to come by for a visit Ariabella. We don't get out as much as we used to and would love to have your company."

I smiled at the sweet couple, "I definitely will. Thank you again." I gave them a final wave and left with Zane.

After jumping in his car, the lecture started. " What do you think you were doing up here? No one has seen you for hours. And you were blocking all of our mind links. Just be glad Alpha Graham has been gone in the city all day so he hasn't noticed that you have been gone."

I glanced at the clock and fought the urge to growl. It was twelve! I had left the house at least by seven and no one even cared that I had been gone for five hours? I literally could have been eaten in the woods for all they knew. Okay that was a bad example since w were the hunters of the woods. But the lack of care was still frustrating!

"Yeah well clearly no one really cared that I was gone I don't see the big deal."

Zaine peered over at me before sighing. "Okay Belli, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately."

"Nothing. I'm the same as always." My mumbling wasn't convincing.

"I have known you since you were a snot nosed eight year old. I know when you aren't the same infuriating girl."

I couldn't help but huff. "I don't know. I just, I don't know who I am anymore! Everything that I've always known has changed since I got here. Now I'm apparently a Luna to the largest pack in America! I'm not even eighteen yet! I used to be preparing for college. I haven't even thought about college till today! Now I'm someone's mate. I don't know who I am as a person anymore. Who am I?"

For some reason I had ended up crying. Jeez what is wrong with me? I didn't realize we had arrived back at the territory and we stopped in front of my place of residence.

"You know I can't promise you I have all the answers but I do know who you are. I know that you like to know what is coming next and being in control of what you do. But most importantly, I know that you need your family. I think somewhere amongst all this change and craziness you've started to loose yourself and haven't had your family around to support you like we should have. No matter how large your family has grown. Because you are seventeen, or almost eighteen, but still a kid.

Kron and Diego showing up and digging up old wounds doesn't help you either. But no matter how all of this goes down, we are here for you. All of us."

Zane gave me a hug until my tears subsided. A second later a rapid knocking came out the car window. A panicked looking Cat was furiously trying to get our attention.

I opened my door and she flung her arms around me. "Sweetie are you okay? What is wrong? Why are you crying?"

My attempt at a chuckle was a failure but I just shook my head. "I'll be okay. I am just not myself right now."

Cat pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "Okay doll, I know exactly what you need."

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