Chapter 17

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            A sinister smile broke across his tan face. There was no similarity between us. I was glad. I didn’t even want to look like him.

            “Cousin!” Diego opened his arms and approached me for a hug.

            I stood solidly, Graham and Ben growling as they steeped in front of me, blocking me from Diego’s view. “You will not touch the Luna.”

            Diego chuckled at Graham’s words and put his arms up in surrender, taking a few steps back. “Understood. So should we get started?”

            Graham nodded. “You were very persistent for a meeting, why?”

            “Rumors had it that Night Shade had a new Luna. Imagine my surprise to find out it was my dear long lost cousin.”

            We all knew he was hiding something. “Why are you really here?”

            Diego’s smirk deepened at my question. “For you of course. My father has been grief stricken since his sister left to mate below herself. We heard you and your brother went rogue ten years ago and it was like he had lost his sister all over again. Imagine his delight in our discovery you were with Night Shade.”

            “I don’t get it. What do you want from me?”

            “We want you. My father regrets the terms he lost his sister on. He hopes to have a better relationship with you. I am here to propose a treaty of sorts.” I didn’t trust this man, not at all.

            Graham’s arm gripped possessively to my waist. He was different when he went into Alpha mode. I had only seen it a few times before when I first arrived here and when I pissed him off bad enough. He was more silent than his usually happy chatter. His light hearted aura had been replaced by a stern and intimidating energy that radiated off of him commanding authority. His charming smile that makes me melt was a hard straight line. His usually mischievous, glowing green eyes were on fire and black.

            “What kind of treaty?” Graham’s voice was closer to a growl than words, and one that could cut at that.

            “My father and I both agree it would be best for our little family if Eclipse and Night Shade were on good terms. No need for trading or battle arrangements. Just peace and visitation rights.”

            It was too simple, too easy. All they wanted was peace and visitation rights? Did I suddenly become a pawn child in a messy divorce? There had to be a catch. Some point of leverage for them that were not obvious. It would look bad if we rejected a seemingly innocent proposal. There was edict to inter-pack relations. Graham and I shot back our thoughts over mind link quickly, we shared the same concerns. I told him I could deal with them for the sake of the pack. He was not pleased, but no one was here.

            “That sounds reasonable enough. We can discuss details in my office and draw up the paperwork.” Graham stated and we all followed him.

            Even when we drew up the paperwork we couldn’t find what he was getting out of this. Once a month I would have to see Kron and Diego, heavily guarded of course. We were to meet halfway between our territories on a neutral ground. I still didn’t like the deal, and neither did Graham, but we both decide it was the best bet at keeping the pack safe.

            The first meeting would be in a week in a small town called Bethview. Diego and his guards left immediately afterwards. When they finally left the territory it was like the whole pack let out collective breathes. I had barley done work that day and yet I felt exhausted. I helped Graham with more paperwork before checking on the pack members. The children were still clueless to the amount of pressure that had been on the pack. Some of the women came up to me and asked how I was fairing. News travelled fast in packs, if anything ever happened, I would be thankful for that. This pack had come to mean so much to me in just a short amount of time.

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