Chapter 30

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My eyes wouldn't peel open all the way. All I could see was an orb of light swaying back and forth. My muscles stiff as I lay on my side. I couldn't recognize where I was. I try to push myself up with my arm but a sharp burning flies through my body. Darkness.

I wake up again confused. I can't move. Coldness seeps into my body. I stare at my fingers. So dirty and pale. I try to move them but they barely twitch. I'm laying on stone. It's cold and sticky, a little wet. The air is moist but stale. I taste metal. I hear footsteps or is that the echo of dripping water? My head is large and heavy as I lift it and -

Something is wrong. My eyes flash open and I am quick to take in my surroundings. I'm in a small room. Two people are at the door. One tries to bend down close to me. Something silver catches in the light. A needle. I kick him square in the chest and send him across the room as I push myself as far away as possible. I use the wall to lift myself up after grabbing my other gun from my thigh strap.

The guy I kicked had gotten up and they were both approaching me. "See what happens when you take too long to up the dosage? Well now we have a reason to rough her up a bit."

THe one I didn't kick leered at me, the disgusting pig. "Who the hell are you? Where am I? What have you done to me? If you take another step closer I will shoot you both."

My voice was raspy but still held power. Nonetheless the men jumped to attack me and I shot. THe man I hadn't kicked stumbled backwards clutching his chest. Before I could turn the barrel to the first man a sting punctured my neck. My finger froze, not strong enough to pull the trigger. My world retreated to darkness.

Chink, chink, shank. Chink, chink, shank. My head was heavy but I could lift it. I was sittin now. In a chair, I was chained. My torso secured to the back of the chair. My wrists tied together from where my arms were twisted awkwardly behind me. Each of my ankles were tied to a leg of the chair. The infuriating noise continued until my growl ripped through the air as my head snapped forward.

Diego sat in another chair. It was backwards as he straddles the chair, playing with a knife against a piece of wood. A sick smile played on his lips as he saw me awake.

"Quite the display of aggression you had there. You killed another one of my men. I should have thought to have my men search you. But they're animals really, and who knows what animals would do to an unconscious female wolf, especially when mad."

His bored tone made my blood run cold and stomach sink. "No! They didn't -"

Now he rolled his eyes. "No they haven't raped you. But next time you even think about killing one of my men, I won't stop them."

"You sick bastard!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Not what I would say to someone who holds my life in their hands. WHat would your mate think of this? Sitting here like a filthy skank barely clothed, good thing he won't ever see you like this, or at all ever again."

I took in my appearance and snarled. They had shredded my gown. All but a few inches remained of the skirt so it was barely covering me. My leg holsters were gone. But at least I could still feel the warm metal of the dagger that was safely tucked away in the cleavage of my corset dress that remained intact.

"Graham is going to kill you! He's going to torture you until you have no blood left!"

"Now how could he do that cousin? When he himself is already dead?"

"You're lying!"

"Am I? Why don't you feel him then? Why can't you feel your wolf? It died. It died when it lost its mate. You're all alone now. And no one is going to save you."

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