Chapter 1

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        My gas nearly on empty I pull off the highway into a town. It was cute and small. A dense forest covered it on all sides giving me comfort. The woods were my natural home. The sun was nearly setting leaving a comfortable ease over the town. It was mid-spring but already felt like summer. With the windows of my old green truck down I could smell trees and camp fire smoke wafting over the town.

            At a gas station that has a comforting age to it I get some gas. My stomach growls and a yawn escaped my mouth. This little rustic town would be perfect to spend the night in. After getting gas I go down the road to the motel the gas attendant informed me about. It was small, no more than twelve rooms and only three cars in the lot. I notice then I had barley seen anyone around here. I brush off the thought dismissing the sleepy mountain town. I was used to city traffic.

            In the motel a sweet lady gave me my room key, literally a key. She was nice although a bit nosey. I’m sure she didn’t get much traffic through here. But I smiled as I handed her my money. I hadn’t planned on taking this trip but Derek had a rule about always keeping at least five hundred dollars in cash handy in case of an emergency, cards were too traceable.

            When my stomach growled she informed me of the twenty-four hour dinner down the street. I thanked her and headed for food. I hadn’t eaten since that morning. I ordered a burger from a tired, but sweet, middle aged woman. It looked like a classic old dinner, with leather booths, a bar counter and even a window to the kitchen. When the waitress put down my burger she asked a lot of questions too. I guess the whole town wasn’t used to visitors, I was polite but short, she left me to eat my food in peace.

            My eyes must have started to droop because I jumped at the sudden noise of the three guys laughing and talking loudly as they entered. They exchanged a few looks before the light haired one got up and sat on the other side of my booth.

            “You’re not from around here.” The guy, probably college age, more stated than asked.

            I only nodded. Maybe it wasn’t so smart to be alone in this town. My senses were lacking due to my tired state. I grew nervous that it could hinder me in a fight. But hunger and tiredness was known to make me paranoid too. He made conversation like the other people in town. To be honest it was starting to get annoying, let alone creepy; especially with how he kept eyeing me.

            He went back to his friends so I paid for my food and left. Now there was no one out on the road as I pulled into the motel lot. After grabbing my purse which held my only possessions I had with me, I go into my room locking the door behind me. The room was small; with one large window, a queen bed, some chairs, a television and a bathroom at the back of the room. Not bad for one night’s stay, I’ve slept on the forest floor more often than I’d like to admit. A sudden wave of fatigue rolls over me, barley leaving enough time to reach the dark floral comfiture. That was strange. My eyes drooped closed against my will and I started to panic. But it was too late. There was only darkness.

            My body felt heavy, and sore. A constant rumble noise filled my darkness as my motionless body rolled with every bump. I was tied up; duct tape was layered around my ankles and wrists in containment. It hurt to try to break them off. I was panicking willing my eyes to open to unveil my darkness. When they finally did, it was still dark, just not as bad as before. I tried to stop myself from panicking, I needed to be calm and access my situation. I was kidnapped, obviously. Either those creepy towns’ people, or by other wolves had done it. They must have drugged me because I didn’t feel like myself. I couldn’t even contact my wolf. That was the scariest part. I needed to escape before they locked me up wherever they were taking me.

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