Chapter 29

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The decor was beautiful just as I had planned. Too many people to count wore gorgeous gowns and sharp tuxes. It all looked perfect, and everything had to go perfectly. It was like a perfectly planned out play, I just hope it won't be like a shakespeare play, everyone always dies.

"Breathe, you're Luna of Nightshade, everyone sees you as perfection. That is exactly what you are. And everything will run smoothly tonight."

I suck in the air my body desperately needs and slow my heart rate. A good actor never veers off script right? So I played my part, my smile strung up to my cheeks as Graham and I greeted the guests. My hand clasping tightly to his like life support. The guests brushed it off as my age and nervousness to the title. They were all very polite and eager to meet me, some more than others. My wolf was on high alert, scrutinizing every movement within a mile. The first part of the night went smoothly. Dinner was served and then there was dancing. It was time.

As planned, Diego had sickened Kron to where he had to retire early for the night. After a round of dancing Graham led me away to a side room. For anyone that had noticed, it would appear as if young lovers had escaped for a secret moment. We all knew what mates were like.

But our rendezvous is far from romantic. I kick off my heels and kiss graham before we open the outside door and begin the climb up the terrace. When Graham sees me reach the second floor he heads back inside to take the hidden staircase that is four rooms over before he has to scale the side of the building to get to the room next door to where Kron is staying to prevent any escape or traps.

Graham was out of my sight when I had reached the base of the balcony for Kron's room. When my legs swung over the railing and my barefeet hit the ground.  I took one last deep breath before pulling back the long drapes that covered the open door. My fingers brushed against the heavy, rough fabric until something cold grasped my hand and tugged.

The rough pull launched me to the ground where my body sprawled despite my heightened agility. A rough boot slammed down onto my back when I tried to get up. I couldn't help the groan that I clenched back by my sudden pain. When I tried to move again the boot stomped on my hand, my wrist that had been broken only a few months ago sent shocks of pain up my arm. But I knew how to move now.

When the mysterious being reached down to grab a fistful of my hair I twisted around and grabbed the arm before twisting it at an awkward angle before flipping them over me and onto the floor. I jump to a crotch, analyzing my situation. Diego lay on the ground groaning from the pain I inflicted on his back. But there were more people here too. Two more goons stood at the main door while one was guarding the balcony. Kron lay in the suites bed his throat cut with blood drying on his hands and chest. His eyes were a cloudy white that tinged yellow. He had been dead for at least an hour, which meant I was in a lot of trouble.

My panic should have triggered my wolfs instant reaction, and yet it didn't those bastards, they messed with my wolf. Wait were they the same ones who drugged me the first day I came here?

My mind was racing but my body moved faster. In a blur my body moved to the balcony guard and struck his neck so hard he had crumbled to his knees, slumped dead before he could even blink.

"You little-" One of the guards at the door called before I could reach the door. A million bees jetted out and stung my back at once. I let out a gargled scream before twisting on the ground without control of my muscles. Shit, no, stay awake. Clear your mind. Think of- Graham! Where was he? What had they done to my mate?

Reaching around my back I yanked out the wires from my back making my shaking stop. I flung the taser wires back at the guard who had attacked me. I reached under my skirt and pulled out one of my hidden handguns and emptied the six bullet chamber onto the two guards who crumbled like the first guard. Diego was in my way to get to the door, but I didn't have time to bring out my other gun. I chucked the empty in my hand at Diego's head. He moved away in time. But I wasn't trying to hit him. it was a distraction. It gave me just enough time to launch myself out the balcony window.

It didn't even feel like I was falling. I didn't have time to register how high up I was as I sailed towards the ground. Just tuck and roll then run. That's exactly what I did as I connected with the ground. Something snapped, I might have screamed. But instead I stumbled to my feet and did my best to run. I had to get back to the front of the mansion. I had to get help. Had to help Graham.

Until something was pressed to my face and I breathed in the sweet scent that soon turned rotten as the hand gripped my head harder and claws dug into my cheek. I struggled violently against the person but their grip only tightened and pain exploded across my torso. My shoulder must have dislocated when I fell and whoever was pinning it back knew it because they yanked it back making me gasp and cry. The smell got worse and my struggled became sloppy. My knees were like gelatin and my head felt fuzzy as my vision began to narrow. No, no, stay awake.

"Lights out Luna."

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