Chapter Eighteen

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A few days later we were back at home, the horses were turned out into their paddocks for a well-earnt rest and I felt like I wanted to spend the rest of the week in bed. I was tired and drained from the long journey, I put my heart and soul into that run on Bird but I was now learning that my body wasn't what it used to be and I had to work my way back up to what I was. Austin finished with the horses and came back inside as the sun was coming down. In the three months that I had known him, I had come to fall in love with him, even more, every day. I stood over a pot of pasta on the stove stirring it and keeping an eye on River who was sitting in her highchair at the table. Her small hand clasped around a piece of carrot and her smile so big and bright. 

''Whatcha cookin'?'' Austin came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a small kiss on my neck, the feeling lingered. 

''Pasta,'' I answered, Austin left and sat down at the table next to River and handed her another carrot stick though she declined it, she began to dose off in her chair. My heart was warm as Austin picked her up and wiped the drool from her chin.

''I'll put her off to bed, aye?'' I gave him a smile and watched as Austin walked into River's new room opposite the kitchen, my parents had helped turn the office into a new bedroom for my daughter. Austin came out a few short moments later with the biggest smile on his face.

''I love you Ail.'' His words lit something so forgotten inside of me, Austin came over to me and placed his hands on my face and kissed me. I quickly turned the stove off and kissed him back, breaking it only for a moment.

''I love you too,'' I said back. Austin lifted me up and kissed me as I held onto his neck. I loved him I really did, I hadn't loved anyone the way I did Austin. In the three months that I had been with him, we had never actually done anything and that was until now, I didn't jump into this relationship as I had done the last, because I knew that Austin was the most decent human being and I didn't want to wreck what we could have. I could feel that it was the right time though and that something was going to happen.

Austin pushed me against the wall, my heart was pounding, I hadn't done this in a long time. I hadn't felt this much love my entire life and I was craving it. ''I love you.'' He said again, I couldn't speak, I was trembling and just wanted him. ''I'll treat you right Ail, I promise.'' I ran my hands through his hair and hugged his neck as he carried me to my room. Austin tore his shirt over his head and helped me with mine. He kissed me and I melted into him, we intertwined as one and I knew that I never wanted my love for him to end. 

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