Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning I work with Austin laying beside me passed out, his shirt was all scrunched up around his waist and sliding up towards his chest. There was something so simple about being with Austin, there was nothing complicated about him and he didn't rush for things that could wait and come in time. He was honestly the most brilliant guy I had ever met and I knew he would be god for me. I got up out of bed and walked over to River's cot, she was laying asleep with her hands in fists around her face, I looked at the time and realised that my mom would be here in ten minutes to pick her up. ''Shit,'' I said quietly under my breath, Austin was still in my house and I was still in my pyjamas. My mother didn't even know that I had feelings for someone new and the fact that he was still laying passed out in my bed kinda freaked me out a little. So I walked over to him and frantically shook him away. 

''Fuck Ail, what's wrong?'' His voice was worried but tired and drowsy at the same time. Austin rubbed his eyes with one hand while his other hand rested on my hip as he pulled me down to him and kissed me on the cheek. 

''Nothing. Well, my mother is going to be here in ten minutes and I kind of forgot.'' I scratched the back of my head and then started to rat through my wardrobe for a set of clothes. I shut the door of the wardrobe while I pulled on a pair of jeans and a light blue tank top, once I was dressed I went back out to the bedroom and brushed my hair while Austin laid back in the bed watching me. 

''Ail, calm down, please.'' Austin got up out of bed and walked over to me while I was brushing my hair. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waits, he kissed me on the neck before looking at us both standing there in the mirror. I noticed that my eyes were brighter and there was a glow about my cheeks. But when I looked at us in the mirror I swear that I could see the rest of my life. Right as I was in my own thoughts the doorbell rang and I felt a sudden panic. I turned around to face Austin. ''Just wait in here please. I'll be right back.'' I gave him a quick kiss and picked River up along with her bag and rushed out to meet my mother at the front door. I opened it and she greeted me with a smile as I handed River to her. My mother gave me a hug and pushed my blond hair out of my face for me. I took River's bag out to her car and gave my little girl a hug. 

''I'll be back around six tonight Ail.'' She gave me a kiss and I said goodbye to River and made my way back into Austin. My heart was racing, it wasn't that I didn't want my mom to know about Austin it was that this was the first time Austin had been here and I guess we had only just started to see each other last night. I wasn't ready for him to meet her either in hindsight. 

Once my mother left I took Austin down to the stables while I did my morning chores. I left Token and Bird in the stable and turned the other two out into the pasture for the day. I pulled Bird out of her stall and tied her up next to Token. Austin helped me tack them both up, we mounted the mares and started down the trail up into the mountains behind my house. 

I gave Bird the reins as we headed up the stony path, it got colder as we twisted through the trees and ducked under the branches. When we got to the top we climbed off the horses and I led Austin over to the edge where the view overlooked my property. 

''I've never seen anything like it,'' Austin wrapped his arms around me and looked out on the land. ''You know it's nice to slow down, I've been on the road for far too long and haven't seen a view like this in a long time. It's always city lights and skyscrapers. It takes its toll sometimes.'' I looked up at Austin and there was a sadness behind his glazed eyes. 

''I know what you mean.'' I said. 

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