Chapter Six

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Ail's First Rodeo Back

My parent's decided to come and watch me run tonight, they were looking after River while I got Bird ready for her run. I made the choice to leave Token home, this was my first rodeo in a little over two years and I already had a lot of pressure on me. Bringing two horses just wasn't a good idea. Bird stood in her stall munching on the hay in her feeder, I forgot how nice it was here, there were so many facilities available. There was an hour until I was to run, I started to get Bird ready. 

''River came to say good luck to her mama.'' My mother held River up and passed her to me over Bird's stall door. I hugged my little girl with all the love I had in my body, I was so grateful for her. Ma and Pa took River back to the grandstands to watch the runs before mine. I was alone again and in my thoughts while I tacked up Bird. 

''Ail Bennett, is that you?'' Shit. I looked over my shoulder as I did the girth up. Ryder stood there leaning over the stall door with his cowboy hat tilted over his eyes. I tried to ignore him but he stayed there and watched me. ''I didn't think you were running anymore?''

''Well, there is a lot you don't know Ryder,'' I said bluntly as I finished with Bird's saddle. ''Why are you even here?'' Ryder took his hat off and let out a sigh. 

''The PRB kicked me off the tour, now I'm just doing these small rodeo's. They're just gonna build me back up.'' He had changed, the old Ryder would never have said something like that. Just as I pushed Ryder out of the way so I could get out and grab Bird's boots a dolled-up brunette came up and wrapped her arms around Ryder.  You're actually kidding me. My blood was now running wild and I had no words left to say to him. But then I suddenly did. 

''Ryder can you just stay the absolute fuck away from me, don't bother coming around anymore to see your daughter. It's over. Forget it okay and I don't blame the PBR in the slightest for getting rid of you. It was the best decision they have ever made.'' The brunette's eyes went wide, I wanted to punch him in his stupid face but I didn't.

''You didn't tell me you had kids?'' Her voice was full of amusement, God this was getting even better. Wait did this mean she didn't know about Colt either, where was that kid anyway because he wasn't with Ryder the past few times I've seen him, but none of this was my business so I just left it. 

''Just leave Ryder, and stay away from me.'' I pushed his shoulder so I could get to my tack box. Ryder grabbed the girl and walked away back towards the arena. I wanted to so badly crawl into a hole and never come out. Every time I ran into Ryder he made me feel so small, and I knew that he wasn't the same guy I met. He has become a selfish man who thinks that he is so much better than everyone else. 

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