Chapter Twenty

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Something felt off in my stomach, I didn't feel sick nor did I feel the need to throw up, but something was off and I knew it. I rolled over in bed and shook Austin awake, he rubbed his eyes before speaking.

''What's wrong Ail?'' 

''I don't know, I just feel off. Something's not right Austin.'' Austin sat up in bed and pushed my hair out of my face, his blue eyes searched mine with worry. 

''It's okay, I'm here Ail,'' he kissed my head and pulled me in to hug him, I lied there for a little while trying to forget the feeling. 

''I just have to go check River.'' I got out of bed and rushed to River's room, I just had to make sure she was okay and then I was sure then I would feel much better. It was six in the morning and the sun was just starting to come up, there was a warm glow coming through the windows. I walked into River's room just to find her asleep, there was nothing wrong and nothing was out of the ordinary. I left her there to sleep and went into the kitchen to make coffee, there was no way I was getting back to sleep now that I was awake. As I was making coffee there was a sudden knock at the door. Who would be here at five in the morning

''Austin someones here!'' I sang out, seconds later Austin was tumbling out of the bedroom and walking towards the front door. I continued making coffee, but then whoever was at the door began yelling at Austin. ''I just want to see her, let me see her!'' The voice was familiar, pushed right back into the very depths of my mind. I rushed to the door and stood behind Austin, the figure of Ryder stood there with wet eyes and a hint of anger about him as he stared at Austin. 

''What are you doing here?'' I said as I pushed past Austin. Ryder took his hat off and held it in his hands. 

''See you've hung your buckle up for ol' Austin here,'' Ryder eyed off Austin as he spoke to me. 

''Leave him out of this Ryder, he's more of a man than you'll ever be. Now, what do you want?'' I was mad now, he came here and insults the man I love and the man that is being a father to River after he leaves and chooses to run away and live a life where all he cares about is that stupid bull riding. 

''Ryder cut the shit why are you here?'' I was shouting, but not loud enough to wake River from her sleep. I pushed my hair off my face and watched as Ryder was about to answer me.

''Listen, I'm sorry about that time at the rodeo. But Ail, that kid in there she's mine as well and I want to get to know her. Please just give me a chance.'' 

''You can't just come back around and want to be in her life, it doesn't work like that. You left Ryder, you abandoned us and left us with nothing to even hope for, you didn't even get to see her be born. Where were you, Ryder? Probably at some fucking rodeo trying to pick up another check, it's only eight seconds that's all it is and you put it all before that beautiful little girl that is fast asleep. Please just leave, get off my property Ryder.'' My eyes began to weep and I felt Austin's arm wrap around my shoulder. I felt secure and safe with him here with me. 

''Ail, that isn't how I am now, I realised that I stuffed up-'' 

''You've said this all before!'' I felt weak and dizzy, this was all just a joke to him. Austin stepped in and decided to speak.

''If you really cared about River or even Ail you wouldn't have left the way you did. Ail wouldn't have been broken when I found her and I wouldn't have had to step in at that rodeo and help her. If you even remember that then you'll know you were a drunk and angry mess. She was scared of you that night Ryder, she thought you'd hurt her or River. Maybe deep down you might care about River and Ail, but for now, Ryder leave and let her think about this.'' Austin spoke in a soft tone, he showed no signs of being mad he was simply just stating how I felt. 

Ryder looked at Austin and then at me, what if he just snapped and went off? But he didn't.

''Fair enough then. I'll see ya around.'' Ryder put his hat back on and climbed into his truck and drove off down the road. 

I felt myself crumble into Austin's arms and the stress of Ryder being here lifted off my chest. Austin didn't bring up the situation nor did he question anything, he just held me into his body and let me cry.

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