Chapter Twenty Five

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My mother came to pick up the horses the next day, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders now that I knew they were in good hands, where they would be looked after and cared for. River was having a blast with her new puppy that we decided to call Padfoot. Only a day ago River had said her first word to Austin while I was in town picking up groceries. She had called him da and it made my heart full to know that she loved him.

I leant over the couch and hugged Austin's chest, he pulled me over the couch and I flopped into his lap. ''I love you.'' He said and kissed me, I swatted him away and looked down to River who was cuddling Padfoot. ''Move in with me Ail. I know we don't spend a lot of time there but it's big and there is plenty of land for River to run around.''

''Yes, I would love that.'' I looked around at my home and realised that it is a bit small and that if I wanted to have more kids it wouldn't work here and I do want another kid later on. And if I moved in with Austin I wouldn't have to drive back and forth and neither would he. Of course, I couldn't sell my place, I might rent it, but I suddenly couldn't wait to live with him. 


A few days later we had all of my things packed and Bird and Token were loaded onto the trailer. I felt a sense of sadness that I was leaving this place, but I was glad that I had the most amazing man to spend my life with. River was in Austin's truck with Padfoot and I climbed into my truck that was towing the trailer. It was only an hour drive to where Austin's house was, it was only just outside Dallas on pristine pastures. 

Once we had arrived at Austin's house I saw River's little eyes light up, it was going to be a huge playground for her and a home where she was safe, away from all the madness that the world had to offer. We unpacked the trucks and by the late afternoon, we were all settled into Austin's house. Token and Bird were put installs for the night and given their grain, I helped Austin tend to Sunday and bring the other two horses in, while we finished up with Raven. The horses were all away and Austin and I ordered pizza for dinner while we laid on the lounge with River and Padfoot. 

Austin's house looked like you had pulled it out of a modern magazine, it was beautiful and spacious and soon it was going to become filled with life and love. I looked outside where the pool was and past that was the arena where I learnt to ride English on Sunday, Austin's horse. Across the driveway from the house were Austin's luxurious stables and round yard with pastures to die for surrounding it. It felt magical here like dreams could come true. It was the life that I always wanted, but I was never able to have and now I am lucky enough to give it to my daughter. 

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