Chapter 25

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"That's not true." I said to Harry, dissaprovingly. My mother couldn't do that. Did that really happen? No this can't be happening. No, he's lying. He's being a liar.
"Your a liar, I don't believe you." I said. Harry furiously looked at me and his jaw clenched.
"Why.. Why would I lie over someone who is so irrelevant in my life, Briella." I stayed silent.
It was Harry. He didn't even know my mother. Would he really try to sabotage what my mother and I are becoming?
"Are you serious.." I whispered looking into space. I turned my head over to Harry and looked at him horrified.
"Please tell me this isn't true. Tell me the truth Harry!" I yelled.
"I am!" he yelled back. I sniffled my nose as I felt tears falling down my face.
"I don't believe you." I stated. He looked at me, with no expression, no motion in his beautiful angular face what so ever. He opened the door and slammed it. I got out of the car as I ran after him. I stopped him by standing in front of him.
"What?!" he screamed at me.
"Where are you going Harry?!"
"Home." He said.
"Well come on get in the damn car!" I yelled.
"No! I can't even look at you right now, Briella!" he yelled.
"I'm sorry I don't believe you!" I said. I could feel the lump in my throat. My voice was going away.
"Do what you want!" Harry yelled in anger.
"Harry get in the car I'm taking you home!" I demanded.
"I'm fucking walking home!"
"Harry we're in the middle of a parking lot!" I said. He didn't even know his way back home. Harry was drunk also. There was no way I was letting him walk home. He turned around and starting walking forward.
"I fucking swear Harry, get in the-!" I was interrupted. This was the first major blow up I've ever seen with Harry. I stood there, trembling slightly in the cold chilly weather as Harry did what I didn't know he could do.
"Get in the car?! With you?! After you just sided with your mother who is such a bitch to you and you wouldn't believe me?! Bloody Hell! You may think I'm gonna go with whatever you say but guess what?! Never in a fucking million years, Briella! I'm walking home and your not going to stop me." Harry's eyes were terrifying to look into. He was so close to my face while he was yelling I had to move back a little, because I was horrified, so scared.
"You have a problem. Your drunk. Please." I begged. "I can't let you go out drunk. Please."
"Goodnight Briella. Don't follow me. I'll be fine, I can protect myself. Give me my car tomorrow." Harry said. He turned around and walked away from me. I didn't even go after Harry. I was so tempted too though. Maybe if I just let him walk he could breathe. There's good and bad into letting Harry walk alone. All I saw at the end was a dark tall figure walking in the night. My Harry. Was he still my Harry? I ran over to Harry's car and jumped in, locking the doors. I cried for ten minutes. Sobbing, wondering what to believe and who to go to. I started the engine and called my brother.
"Hello?" cameron said through the phone.
"Hey, Cameron. Is mom awake?" I asked.
"Yes we're all awake." He said.
"Can I go over to the hotel? I need to talk to mom." I said.
"Yeah of course." Cameron said. I hung up and drove to the hotel my parents and brother were staying at.
I parked Harry's car in the parking lot of the Hotel, The Hilton, lovely. I walked inside, moving my body over to the Front Desk.
"Yes, ma'am, how may I help you?" A man asked.
"What room are the Westens staying in?" I asked, politely. He typed into the computer and said,
"Well there are two Westens." He said.
"Well I'd like both, their my mother, father, and brother." I said.
"Very well then. Cameron Westen is staying on the third floor, room 117 and your parents are right next door, room 118."
"Thank you so much." I said.
"Have a goodnight, miss."
"You too." I smiled.
I walked over to the gold elevator. Fancy. I pressed the button that said Up. The shiny gold elevator doors opened and an older lady walked out, looked like some sort of business woman. She had a briefcase and was all dressy. Wonder where she had to go at 9pm. I stepped into the elevator and pressed "3" for the third floor. After about twenty seconds, I was now on the third floor of the Hilton Hotel. I found room 118, where my parents were staying. I honestly wasn't focused on seeing my brother, who was staying in 117. I needed to talk to my mom. I knocked lightly on the door.
"Who is it?" I heard my father ask.
"Briella." I said. He opened the door.
"Hello sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked.
"May I come in?" I asked. He stepped to the side and let me enter. I saw my mother laying down, her head against the headboard. She had her nightgown on and she was reading a book. She looked up and smiled. I didn't smile back. I was here for the truth, not for a cup of tea.
"Hello Briella, honey, what makes you come visit us this late?" She asked. She set her book aside and got up from bed.
"I need to talk to you. now." I said. She looked at me sternly. She probably knew.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Harry told me. What you said." I said.
"Excuse me? What are you talking about?" She asked, stupidly. As if she didn't know.
"When daddy, Cameron, and I went to the bathroom, you talked to Harry, and you told him to get out of my life and how he's no good for me and he will never be as good as the one and only Michael." I said.
"Wait, what did you do Grace?" My father asked, shocked.
"Oh yeah, dad you didn't know?" I asked. I focused on my mother.
"Now the only reason I'm here is for you to tell me the truth."
She walked towards me.
"Briella, let me explain this." She said.
"No, no, I just want the truth, and nothing but the truth mom! Because I literally just probably lost Harry cause I didn't believe him! Cause I wanted to believe that you changed. So tell me, did I do the right thing not believing Harry? Or not?" I said.
"Yes I did. I did tell Harry those things. I did because it's true, Briella. Michael still loves you! I wasn't even going to come to Oregon with your father and your brother. But I believed that if I came and told you to come home because we missed you, and we do, honey, and if I told you Michael loves you, you would've came back!" She said. I was furious. Pissed.
"Well no, I'm never ever going back to you! I can't believe this. I really thought you changed. I thought you wanted to give Harry a chance, I thought you liked him! I thought you accepted me now." I said.
"I will never accept Harry.." She said.
I let out a slight gasp, then I lightly laughed. What an idiot, I should've known better.
"I'll see you later mom, just leave to Maryland tomorrow. There's no point in staying here, I'm never speaking to you again. Have a safe flight." I turned around and gave my dad a hug.
"I'm so sorry." He said as he held me tightly. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you dad. Be safe. I'll see you next time." I released myself and I shut the door. I went over to room 117, my brother's room, and said goodbye.


Authors Note:
Updaaaatttteeeee !! It's been forever I know I know. I'm so sorry, I still love you! I know what a shocking chapter. Any guesses on what happened to Harry when he walked home? Well guess you'll have to find out! By the way, I'm thinking about changing the character to Briella's mom, Grace. she won't be in the story for long, but still! Just incase for future reference I want her to come back!! Hope you all loved this chapter(:
Stay golden
Xoxo, Alexa ❤️

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